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Your Guide to iPhone Repair Costs in Utah

Jul 17, 2019

How much will you have to pay for iPhone repair?

When your smartphone isn’t working as it should be, getting it fixed is your primary concern. You rely on your iPhone, so repairs are a must – but you may be worried about whether the costs are in reach.

To put your mind at ease, iPhone repair can be surprisingly affordable. But certain issues – and models -- can be more costly to fix than others. Here, the professional team at Bad Apple explains what type of pricing you can expect.

Cost of iPhone repair in Utah

Costs for iPhone Repair Vary by Model

Because of their design and the varying complexity in completing repairs, the prices for fixing different smartphone models are different.

Newer models often come with higher repair costs. But, this isn’t always the case – for example, the rear camera on an iPhone 8 Plus can be more expensive to fix than the same component on an iPhone X.

Costs for iPhone Screen Repair

For premium screen repair using original components, the cost ranges from $75 on up to $259 here at Bad Apple. Our value pricing, which uses high-quality parts that meet our stringent inspection standards, cuts the cost by $20 to $40.

Costs for iPhone Battery Replacement

If you need a new battery, getting one is easy on the wallet with Bad Apple. Depending upon your smartphone model, we can replace the battery for as little as $25 – though for newer devices, replacement tends to range from $59 to $89.

Costs for iPhone Charging Port Repair

The cost to repair a charging port that has failed is probably much less than you think. At Bad Apple, $80 is the most you will pay, and for most models, the price falls closer to $50.

Costs for iPhone Camera Repair

Repairing a front or rear camera can cost anywhere from $40 to $120, depending upon the model of your smartphone. Replacing the camera lens is cheaper, with an average price of $25 to $45.

Repair Costs for Other iPhone Problems

Costs for other repairs at Bad Apple are also budget-friendly. Whether you need a fix for a lock button, volume button, earpiece, loudspeaker or any other faulty component, we can usually get the job done for less than $60.

Fast iPhone Repair for an Affordable Cost

Choose the right iPhone repair specialist, and you can get your device fixed quickly without paying an arm and a leg. For fast, affordable service in Utah, call on the experts at FixIT Mobile | Bad Apple.

At FixIT Mobile | Bad Apple, we keep our iPhone repair costs low – and our highly-skilled technicians understand how fix damaged devices properly. We offer both value pricing, which comes with a low-price guarantee, and premium pricing, which includes a 90-day warranty.

FixITMobile | Bad Apple provides same-day service whenever possible, and we can complete some repairs in as little as an hour. For a free estimate for iPhone repair in Utah, contact us today.

Why It’s Smart to Trade in Your Old Smartphone

Feb 7, 2020

Since the dawn of smartphones, one thing has remained steadfastly true: you are going to want to upgrade that phone in the future. While the features that are available continue to advance, and the function of that phone you have now continues to decline, you want the newest smartphone. While the price of a new phone also continues to go up, you need ways to offset the cost. That’s where trade-ins are beneficial, allowing you to get the newest phones and get some value out of your old smartphone.

Trading in your old smartphone is a smart way to get some residual value out of it.

Value for Your Old Device

Trade-ins offer residual value for your old phone. Like many consumer goods, phones decrease in value the longer you use them. The parts wear out, the screens get cracked, the batteries no longer charge. A year or two after you go it, you probably start to notice that it’s not performing as well as it did when it was new. But that doesn’t mean that the phone is completely worthless. Quite the contrary, many phones can still be used and sold on a secondary market, which is why cell phone repair stores and other retailers want your old phone. They can repair sell them at a discount to people who may not want or be able to afford the latest models, and you can get a credit toward your next purchase.

Environmentally Friendly Disposal

Another benefit of trading in your old smartphone is avoiding electronic waste, or e-waste, in landfills. As consumer electronic purchases rise, more and more of our old devices are thrown away and end up in landfills. This is problematic because they have hazardous chemicals that leach out over time and end up groundwater and streams. Even if a landfill incinerates the waste, that process still releases hazardous chemicals into the air. Trading in your old smartphone reduces e-waste. Even broken or damaged phones are great for trade-in and can be repaired before they are resold; and if they can’t be repaired, they are sent to recycling facilities that specialize in safely getting rid of e-waste.

Fewer Creepy Gas Station Meet-ups

If you thought the only way to make money on your old smartphone was to post an online ad and arrange a meetup at a local public place like the gas station or supermarket parking lot, those days are gone. You can still do that if you’re into it, or you could just bring your smartphone to Bad Apple and our team will take it off your hands, give you cash or credit toward the purchase of a new phone, and you can avoid those parking lots altogether.

When you find those old smartphones stashed away in a drawer in the office, bring them to FixIT Mobile | Bad Apple and trade them for a new phone today. Remember to backup all your data—especially photos and videos—before you trade it in so the process is quick and easy.

When Should Your Child Own a Smartphone

Jun 1, 2017

As this age has grown more and more technologically bound, it becomes more necessary to assimilate to the needs of the time, regardless of your own upbringing. Children are now becoming literate with smartphones and tablets as early as age 2 or 3. Even though us adults raised in a different generation may be wary or inexperienced with technology and its effects during childhood, it is the way of the future. It’s time to be proactive and make a plan for it.

Today it is not unreasonable for children and teens to have their own cell phones. A study conducted by the National Consumers League in 2012 found that 60% of parents had offered their child a cell phone by the age of 10 or 11, and that number is on the rise. At least half of these are smartphones. It’s even becoming more prevalent for 4, 5, and 6 year olds to be given a cell phone. But, how young is too young? You want to be able to give your child a means of communication, but are they ready for the responsibility?

This is obviously a case-by-case scenario, and the decision rests solely on the parents to determine if their child is ready for a cell phone. And if so, then is it reasonable or necessary for them to have a smartphone. Children need to be responsible and mature enough to handle the ownership of a valuable possession, navigate the dangers of the internet, and use discretion to use the device appropriately.

There are many reasons you may decide to give your child a phone. Probably the primary reason most parents do is so they can know where their child is and to communicate about pickups. Kids have school, extracurricular activities, parties, and social visits, and it can be overwhelming to keep in contact without their having a personal cell phone.

Another benefit to your child having a cellphone is for them to have an emergency contact device when in need. It’s also a quick and easy way to touch base in your relationship when you’re separated, which didn’t used to be an option.

It’s also possible, and even probable, that your child will be left behind socially without a phone since it is so prevalent among teens as a social interface. Additionally, there are many educational apps that will be available at their fingertips. Some forward-thinking educators are even utilizing phones in the classroom.

Though there are many benefits to your child having a cell phone, there are also dangers. It is imperative to set ground rules before you give the child the phone. Be consistent in following through with the consequences. It is so much easier to delineate the rules as a precursor instead of trying to enforce them later. Keep the dialogue and the screen open between you. You’re the parent. It’s important for you to be apprised of what is happening on their phones.

Share with them your fears and don’t be afraid to use specific examples. They should be wary of online groomers and the accessibility of photos and videos they send out. Perhaps you should have periodic check-ins and discussions about the apps they use. Also, be responsible in teaching them not to cyberbully and ask if this is happening to them. You can also install filtering software on their phones. Transparency is key in keeping your children safe.

When Is Buying a Used or Refurbished Phone a Good Idea?

Jan 1, 2019

Buying a used or refurbished phone may sound tempting, especially when you consider the price of smartphones today.

But, if you’re like many consumers, you may have reservations about buying a phone that has previously been used, whether or not it has been reconditioned. The good news is that experts agree a refurbished or used phone can be a wise investment – as long as you’re careful about where you purchase it.

Used phones

Used vs. Refurbished Phone: What’s the Difference?

A used phone is simply that – one that someone else previously used as their device. In most cases, this term means that you’re buying the phone just as it was returned or sold by the previous user.

A refurbished phone was also previously owned by someone else. However, before it was offered for sale, it was evaluated, repaired as necessary and reconditioned by trained and experienced phone repair technicians.

During the refurbishing process, technicians wipe the devices clean and then systematically test components and functions. A refurbished or reconditioned phone should look and function exactly like a new model, fresh from the factory, with robust battery life and response time.

Benefits of Buying a Refurbished Pre-Owned Phone

In most cases, reconditioned phones were not returned by the previous owner because of a problem. Rather, the prior user simply wanted a new (or different) model and, to get a discount on the new purchase, they traded in their old device for credit. Sometimes, these phones were never even used but, once returned, they cannot be legally sold as new.

More often, these devices were lightly used, but still virtually indistinguishable from a brand-new phone.

So, for a substantially discounted price, you can have the same model and features you seek in a new phone.

Buy Pre-owned & Refurbished Devices from a Phone Repair Expert

If you’re interested in exploring the remarkable savings you can get from buying a pre-owned smartphone, be very careful where you decide to purchase.

Look for an established phone repair company that employs expert technicians. If they also refurbish and sell used phones, you can rest assured they do a thorough job.

Also look for a company that offers refurbished phones with a warranty. If a company is willing to stand behind its work in this way, giving you the peace of mind that comes with a warranty, you can buy pre-owned phones with confidence.

In Utah, FixITMobile | Bad Apple’s expert phone repair technicians refurbish pre-owned Apple iPhones as well as Samsung and Android models. We have a large inventory of used phones to choose from, all of which come with our risk-free 30-day limited warranty. We have the latest models too, so you’ll never be forced to compromise on your selection.

Visit one of our convenient Utah locations today or check out our large selection of refurbished phones online.

What We Think We Know About the iPhone 8

Jul 15, 2017

Apple is notoriously secretive about their upcoming products, and likes to keep a tight wrap on things until they’re desired release dates. However, when you are a company as large as Apple, it is hard to engage in major development on products without making large footprints that give industry analysts an idea of what to expect.

Here’s what we think we currently know about the iPhone 8...

Expected release date The release date for the iPhone is always speculation, but if Apple’s current track record can expect to repeat itself, then we can probably expect to see the first iPhone 8s in September, where it will probably be presented with a smaller version of the new iPad.

Expected price Based on the current market for smartphones, and considering Apple is a company that likes to charge higher prices for more reliable products, most analysts expect that the iPhone 8’s price is going to hover around $1,000. However, when you take into account taxes levied on goods and services, we can expect to pay around $1,400-$1,500.

OLED screens We can pretty much guarantee that the iPhone 8 is going to utilize OLED screen technology, which are curved panels that are brighter and offer a more vibrant range of colors than we currently see in iPhone screens. Apple has struck a deal with Samsung to provide them with 70 million of the OLED screens that they use for their own smartphones. For this reason, we can pretty much guarantee that there is no other purpose that Apple would make such an acquisition, besides for the new iPhone 8, or perhaps for the plus version.

Higher RAM The highest amount of memory for processing power that you can currently get in an iPhone is 3GB, which is what the iPhone 7 Plus comes equipped with. This generation, we can almost certainly expect that the initial version of the iPhone 8 will also come with at least 3GB of RAM, and hopefully that will increase with the Plus version.

Enhanced security features One exciting prospect that digital security analysts have said they expect to see in the new iPhone is a security feature that uses the iPhone 8’s advanced camera to use 3D facial recognition to unlock the phone, eliminating the requirement for passcodes or fingerprints (if you so desire).

What to Do When Your Phone Won’t Charge

Feb 8, 2019

When your phone won’t charge, it’s easy to become frustrated and even angry. You rely on your device for so many reasons that it’s nearly impossible to be without it.

Keep calm and try these simple fixes, brought to you by the phone repair experts at FixIT Mobile | Bad Apple.

Do this when your phone won’t charge

Check the Outlet, USB Adapter & Charging Cable

This is the IT equivalent to “is the power turned on?” Try plugging into a different outlet. Try using a different cable. Try using a different USB adapter. Try plugging in a different device.

If your phone still won’t charge after you’ve tried all the different combinations, it’s time to move on to the next step.

Reset, Restart or Reboot Your Device

Try resetting or restarting your device. If you have an Android device, clear your cache. Try a hard reset, if necessary, and then try again. Put your phone into airplane mode and walk away from it for a bit. Sometimes that’s all it takes to gain ground.

For some devices, if the battery is failing, getting through the first few percent of charging will allow the device to then power all the way up.

Clean Out the Phone’s Charging Port

Sometimes pocket lint or debris gets into the charging port, preventing the cable from making a good connection. Use a wooden toothpick or something similar (non-metal) to gently poke around inside the port. (Be very careful not to break off a piece of the toothpick, however.)

If you still can’t get the phone to take a charge after this step, let’s try something different.

Make Sure Your Operating System Software Is Up-to-Date

Apple claims that not having the most recent version of iOS is to blame for most charging problems. Whether that’s true or not, it’s worthwhile to check. If you don’t have enough power to turn on the device to check, you can try docking with your computer (if your device provides that option) to see if you can update your software that way.

If you can’t accomplish this step – or if your software is already updated and the phone still won’t charge – it’s time to call on a professional.

Contact a Phone Repair Professional

At this point in the process, some bloggers and armchair DIY enthusiasts recommend replacing your smartphone battery. We strongly recommend that you DO NOT do this, for a couple of reasons.

The first reason is that any DIY phone repair, including battery replacement, is usually a bad idea. At best, you could be out the time and money you spent if that’s not the problem. At worst, you could damage your phone beyond repair.

The second reason we don’t recommend replacing your battery at this point is that the problem is probably not the battery. In most cases, when your smartphone won’t charge even after taking the recommended preliminary steps, the problem is the charging port.

At FixIT Mobile | Bad Apple, we can troubleshoot your device to determine the actual problem, then recommend the best approach. We can replace your charging port quickly and affordably – as little as $35 for some devices – and get you back on the road.

If your phone won’t charge, contact us or visit one of our Utah locations today for help.

Waterproofing Explained

Jun 16, 2017

We’ve all had water accidents with our phones. Phone falling out of the back pocket into the toilet is just classic, right? No? Just me? Or, an untimely shove into a lake. You were bobbing for apples and it just happened somehow. You just had to pull a Gene Kelly and go out singin’ in the rain. Whatever the way, waterlogging accidents are not uncommon, and most phones just don’t live to tell the tale. All you can do is swipe left, leave it alone, and pray. But not with the new generation of phones. No, now they make them impervious to the effects of water, like some species of super phones. Waterproofing is a recent technology implemented by all the major phone companies.

In fact, here is a list of all the water-resistant phones now released:

  • Apple iPhone 7 and 7 Plus

  • Samsung Galaxy S7 Active

  • Sony Xperia XZ

  • Motorola Moto G4 and G4 Plus

  • Samsung Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge

  • Kyocera DuraForce XD

There is a caveat, though. None of the phone companies claim to be completely waterproof. They label them water-resistant because they are designed to withstand a significant amount of water pressure for a certain period of time. They come with different IP ratings--how water-resistant they are to splashes, water jets, and submersion for an extended period of time. Remarkably, the phones are quite impermeable against these tests, and realistically, who needs more than this? This pretty much covers any accident if we’re not pushing it. But, just how do they do it? They use something surprisingly elementary: glue. Using tightly bound strips of adhesive and glue, every port, button, speaker grille, and microphone hole is equipped for high water-resistance. For all the internal parts, they use rubber gaskets to insulate the electronics. This isn’t all there is to it, though. If the phone were completely airtight, it would bloat under pressure. And speakers and microphones need airflow to produce sound and vibrations. So, the trick to making the phones watertight but not airtight is with a fine mesh material. It is placed inside the speaker and microphone gaps, and the water pools together and drips off without entering. Some phones, such as the iPhone and Galaxy S7, are equipped a step further with gore--a breathable, water-resistant fabric membrane. In actuality, there’s currently no such thing as a completely waterproof phone. With the functions that you need, like speakers, microphones, and charging ports, it’s just not possible to be invincible to water. But with the current technology and engineering, it is likely to protect them from all likely water fiascos. And it can only improve from here. ‘Splained.

Troubleshooting Charging Issues: Outlets, Cable, Port

Jun 2, 2021

Battery power and charging capability are naturally important factors for nearly every phone owner, and a phone that won’t charge is a frustrating issue to run into. There’s nothing more annoying than needing your phone for important tasks, but being unable to charge it and utilize it properly due to issues with the battery, charger or some other culprit.

At Bad Apple, we’re happy to offer numerous iPhone repair solutions, including for issues where your iPhone won’t charge properly for some reason. In addition to offering several professional services to remedy charging concerns, we’re also here to provide general expertise on these kinds of issues, including a few DIY areas you can look at that might solve your charging issue before there’s any need for further repairs. This two-part blog series will go over some tips on troubleshooting charging issues on your iPhone.

troubleshooting charging issues cable

Try Multiple Outlets

In certain cases where charging isn’t taking place, the issue might not actually be your phone or your charger at all – but rather the outlet you’re using. Maybe the outlet has shorted out, or perhaps it’s not the proper type of outlet for the charger you’re inserting into it.

Early on while trying to diagnose your problem, try multiple outlets for your charger. If none of them works, and especially if they are working for other electronic devices, this is a sign that there’s something going on with your phone or the charger.

Charging Cable Test

Next up it’s time to test your charging cable and its components. Swap out the existing cable for another that’s in your house, if possible – many people have multiple iPhone charger cords or plug-in elements in their homes.

Because of all the use they get, it’s not uncommon for charging cables or wall outlet connectors to wear down or malfunction. Luckily, if another cable works for your phone while the old one wasn’t, you’ve identified the problem – and it’s a cheap one to fix by simply replacing the cable.

Check Charging Port

What if you’ve tested the charging cable on another phone and discovered that it’s working? In this case, you know there’s something specific to your own phone going on. The first area to check here will be whether there’s any kind of dirt, dust, lint or other debris that’s built up inside the phone’s charging port, the small area where the cord plugs into the phone.

If you find any such dirt, do not use a toothpick or any kind of sharp object to clean it – this might just cause more damage. Instead, gently blow into the port, or use a moderate source of compressed air, to dislodge the debris and move it away from the port. Then try charging the phone again. For more on how to troubleshoot a phone that won’t charge, or to learn about any of our phone repair, tablet repair or other device repair services, speak to the staff at FixITMobile | Bad Apple today.

Troubleshooting Camera Problems with a Smartphone or Tablet

Apr 12, 2019

If your tablet or smartphone has camera problems, you could miss out on capturing some of the most important moments of your life.

We’ve all become dependent on having our device’s camera ready and waiting, whenever we encounter a potential Kodak moment. But, when you need your camera and it won’t work, it can be frustrating. It may also be costly, if you decide to replace your device rather than seeking out an electronics repair shop.

Fortunately, the chances are good that you don’t need to replace your device. If you can’t troubleshoot the camera problems yourself, an experienced smartphone repair pro should be able to help.

troubleshooting smartphone camera problems

Troubleshooting Samsung Galaxy Camera Problems

If you receive an error that your Galaxy camera failed, power the device off and back on. If that fails, power down and remove the battery. Wait 15-20 seconds, replace the battery and turn the phone back on.

If that doesn’t resolve the problem, perform a factory reset (hard reset) on your phone – but make sure you back it up first. Although your model may differ, pressing the power button, home key and volume up all at the same time should send you to the correct menu.

Some apps can also cause the Samsung Galaxy to have camera issues. If you have any camera-related apps open, try closing them or, if that doesn’t help, delete them from your phone, power down and try again.

If none of these steps correct your camera failure, talk to a qualified Samsung Galaxy repair expert.

Troubleshooting Android Camera Problems

Troubleshooting problems with an Android camera is a bit more complex than many other electronic devices.

Start by trying the usual series of steps. Power the device off and on. If that doesn’t work (and if you have a removable battery), power down, remove the battery, wait a few seconds and then restart the phone. Next, try clearing the phone cache through the “Camera” app (depending on the model of your device, this may be done through Settings > Apps > Camera).

Next, try deleting any apps you installed right before the problem started, especially if they use the camera or the flash (such as a flashlight app).

If none of these options work, backup your phone and perform a factory reset.

Troubleshooting iPhone & iPad Camera Problems

Your options are limited for troubleshooting camera issues on an iPhone or iPad. First, check to see if both the back- and front-facing cameras are having problems. If it’s one or the other, you may need to have the faulty one replaced.

If you have iOS updates you haven’t installed, take a moment to get those up-to-date and try again.

Try powering the device off and on and, if that doesn’t fix the issue, try a hard reset. If you have other apps installed that use the camera (Facebook, Instagram, etc.), try to access it through those.

Those are about your only options for trying to fix an Apple device camera yourself. Talking to a qualified iPhone repair expert is the next step. In most cases, they can replace the defective components and spare you the cost and hassle of replacing your device.

If you have another type of device, such as LG or HTC, the process for troubleshooting problems can vary widely based on the brand and model. FixIT Mobile | Bad Apple, with locations in Utah, is the smartphone camera repair expert you can trust. Contact us today for same-day service.

Tips to Avoid Emergency Phone Repair

Jun 21, 2019

Emergency phone repair can be a costly endeavor, not to mention inconvenient. Taking steps to protect your phone can help you avoid an urgent trip to the electronics repair store.

It’s also a good idea to have any minor damage – like a cracked screen – taken care of as soon as possible. Leaving this type of damage unaddressed makes your device even more vulnerable to breaking.

Emergency phone repair in Utah

Get a Good Smartphone Case & Screen Protector

Although no device can withstand a serious drop or torque from landing under something heavy, a well-made case and a good screen protector will significantly increase your phone’s durability.

Shock-proof cases can help your device withstand a hefty amount of abuse. And, with the many options you have to choose from today, you don’t have to sacrifice style and personality to keep your devices safe from harm.

Use a Safety Tether or Loop

If you’re prone to dropping your phone, misplacing it or putting it in your back pocket and sitting on it, you’re bound to need the services of an emergency smartphone repair expert sooner or later.

You can help break these potentially expensive habits by getting either a wrist tether for your device or one of the loop-type cases. These gadgets provide extra stability when carrying your device and help minimize the need to juggle your phone or tuck it away in your pocket, where you can easily forget about it and cause damage.

Replace a Cracked Screen

If you have a cracked smartphone screen, you may be tempted to live with it – especially if it doesn’t affect your ability to use your device. However, cracks in the screen make your phone substantially more vulnerable to additional, more severe damage.

Even a small drop and a cracked screen could shatter. Cracked screens also allow dust and moisture inside, which can easily damage sensitive electronic components inside. Splashing a little water on an intact screen is typically harmless. A few drops on a cracked screen and you could cause irreparable damage to your phone.

Before you get your phone screen replacement, ask the device repair shop if they have a protection plan that will cover future breakage. In many cases, you can purchase an affordable plan that makes it easy to keep your phone in tip-top condition.

At FixIT Mobile | Bad Apple, we provide expert phone repair services in Utah. We’re always here to help when you need an emergency smartphone or tablet repair. But, given the option, we would rather help you keep your device safe and sound. Contact us today to schedule same-day phone repair. Be sure to ask about our Core Protection Plan too. This affordable, easy-to-use screen protection plan will help keep your device safe from major damage and the resulting emergency phone repairs.

Tips for Longer Battery Life

Jan 15, 2017

You’re planning to meet some friends for dinner, but in the meantime, you need to take care of some errands. Unfortunately, your battery is low. It just might not make it to dinnertime… and then how will you coordinate with your friends and decide where exactly you’re meeting?

In an era where more people use smartphones than toothbrushes, we’ve all experienced the panic of a low-battery signal. Here are some great tips to help you actually save battery life in a pinch.

Disable Notifications

Let’s be honest; most of us don’t need the added stress of knowing whenever an email comes into our inbox. You can control which apps and programs send you notifications, and this can make a big difference in your battery life. Think about it: every time a notification comes, your phone rings, vibrates, and lights up. It really doesn’t have to be that way. Cut which apps can send you notifications and for the ones that you DO want notifications for, you can still change the settings so that notifications are less invasive and battery-draining.

Turn Off Background Apps

It’s the first thing we do when we’re running low on battery. See which programs are open and get rid of all the non-essentials. You can take that a step farther by modifying the default settings for each app and its background data usage. On an iPhone you can go to Settings, then General, and then Background App Refresh to determine which apps can keep accessing data in the background. On an Android, go to Settings and then Data Usage.

Just remember that if you’re going to use those apps later, it saves more battery to simply keep the app open. Closing and then restarting it is more of a drain.

Turn Off Voice Activation

If your phone is always listening for you to say “Ok Google” or call on Siri, it’s using up battery. Turn off voice activation to keep battery use conservative.

Switch from Fetch to Push

When you set up your email account on your phone, you have an option between fetch or push notifications. With fetch, your phone connects to the internet and checks for new emails every once in a while. Push works from the other direction, with the server reaching out to your device whenever there’s something new. Most sources say that the fetch setting uses more battery life because it operates more frequently.

Turn Down the Brightness, and Turn Off Vibrate

It might go without saying, but these are the quickest and most efficient ways to conserve battery life in the moment. One more thing: don't compulsively check your phone by turning it on.

When all else fails, use battery saving mode, or at last resort, airplane mode.

The Pros and Cons of Buying Refurbished Phones

Dec 13, 2019

Refurbished smartphones are one of the best ways to save money and still get the newest (or almost new) models available, but before you buy you should know how to shop so you get exactly what you’re looking for and can avoid getting duped into buying something that doesn’t meet the quality standards you expect.

Buying a refurbished smartphone can save money, but you need to know how to shop for one.

Pros of Refurbished Phones

There are several reasons you should consider purchasing refurbished instead of new smartphones when you’re in the market to upgrade, including:

  • Cost: refurbished iPhones and Android phones offer a significant discount from their brand-new counterparts right out of the box. With smartphone prices climbing every year, and reaching over $1,000 in some cases today without any end in sight to these high prices, saving some money is a welcome change for those who are on a budget but still want a great phone.

  • No Contract: if you can’t pay cash for your phone (which is the case for most people), the alternative is usually to sign a very lengthy contract and pay for it month to month on top of your wireless bill, with severe penalties or fines if you break the contract.

  • Like New: refurbished products are generally items that were returned because of an issue or defect or were traded in for an upgraded model; the manufacturer or retailer checks these products, fixes any issues and then resells them. What you get is technology that is just like new for the price of a used item.

If you’re worried about the quality of refurbished technology, consider that over 80% of people surveyed by Consumer Reports in 2018 said they were highly satisfied with the product they purchased; 67% had no complaints—if that seems low, it’s only two percent lower than the 69% of people surveyed who said they had no complaints after buying a brand new (and probably way more expensive) smartphone.

Cons of a Refurbished Phone

Before you run out and buy the first refurbished product you find, there are some potential risks when buying used technology.

  • Quality: there is no standard criteria for what a manufacturer or retailer can label as a “refurbished” product, so they’re not all created equal. Some will come with brand new parts, such as batteries or cables, while others might have used parts and accessories, or come with no accessories at all.

  • Process: before you buy, check with the company selling the product to make sure it’s certified in some way. Find out what standards they use so you know you’re getting a quality product.

  • Guarantee: not every retailer or reseller will offer you a guarantee, so check on the warranty, return policy, and other options in case you get a refurbished phone that doesn’t meet your expectations.

If you want quality refurbished products, check out your local FixIT Mobile | Bad Apple store to find out what you can get and how much you can save.

The Perils of Not Updating Your Smartphone’s Operating System

Apr 5, 2019

Does your smartphone harass you daily about updating your operating system? If so, it’s probably time you pay attention.

In fact, updating the OS on your phone as well as that of your tablet (and any other electronic devices you use) is the best way to avoid having to seek out a smartphone repair expert.

There are several good reasons reason why your device is on your case, day in and day out, about updating your software.

The importance of updating your smartphone OS

Updating the Operating System Keeps Your Smartphone Running Right

Why so many updates, you might wonder whether the manufacturer of your device just didn’t get it right the first time. Or maybe they want to give you extra features that you don’t believe you want or need.

But the truth is that smartphone manufacturers issue updates primarily to correct newly discovered problems. These issues may involve the device itself but, often, device manufacturers issue updates in response to newly discovered viruses, malware and potential security risks.

Operating System Updates Help Avoid Smartphone Repair Costs

Outdated operating systems put your devices at risk for a variety of problems, many of which may send you running for expert smartphone repair.

Phishing, malware and other security breaches can lead to hackers locking you out of your phone or bricking it, rendering it useless without professional help. There have been other reported incidents in which hackers use your device to spy on you, take control of your camera and steal any personal or financial information you have on the device.

If you’re experiencing connectivity problems, unreasonable short battery life, unexpected shutdowns or unusually slow performance, you might not need phone repair at all – you might just need to install your OS updates.

Tips for Successfully Installing Smartphone Updates

Before you install updates – especially if it’s been awhile – take a few precautions to avoid unwanted problems.

Charge up your phone fully before installing updates. Some updates require your phone to be plugged in and/or connected to wifi before beginning the process.

Backup your phone before you update the OS, unless you have iCloud or another cloud-based system that automatically does backups for you. If you really want to be safe, do a manual backup anyway – or at least save your photos and other irreplaceable files on a computer or another location.

Verify that your device is compatible with the update. If you have an older device, you may have to install a previous update, especially if the manufacturer no longer supports your device.

Update your apps and get rid of the ones you don’t use. Erase files you don’t want to keep also, to free up as much storage space as possible on your device.

If you’re experiencing problems with your phone and updating your OS doesn’t help, you may be in need of expert smartphone repair services. If you’re in Utah, call on the experienced team at FixIT Mobile | Bad Apple. Whatever the problem, we will identify the problem, find a salutation, and have you back to normal in no time. Contact us today for help with updating your operating system or any other smartphone or tablet problems you may be experiencing.

Tablet Repair vs. Replacement: Which Option Is Right for You?

Jan 11, 2019

When does table repair make sense and when should you consider replacement instead?

If you have a broken iPad or another brand of tablet, you have several repair options to consider. Ultimately, you’ll have to way the pros and cons of each option to decide the right move for you.

Tablet repair

Tablet Repair Options

You have the option of having the work done by the original equipment manufacturer. On one hand, you can rest assured that you’ll get a good quality repair, but you’ll pay dearly for it. It will take a long time as well, as you’ll likely have to ship it.

You could take it to your brother-in-law, the neighbor or that weird guy at work, who claims to be a DIY electronics repair enthusiast. But, as you might imagine, that almost always ends badly.

Or you could find an established, local smartphone and tablet repair expert. Look for a company that offers a warranty on their repair work and that has transparent pricing. Otherwise, you could find yourself with an unpleasant surprise when you learn the actual cost of your tablet or iPad repair.

Tablet Repair Cost vs. Replacement Cost

Once you know what your tablet or iPad repair will cost, check it against the cost of buying a new, equivalent model. The general rule is that, if the cost to do the repairs is one-half to two-thirds the cost to replace your device, you may want to consider replacement.

However, no matter what the cost is for repairing your device, you must also consider any data you could lose. Consider also how much time it will take you to set up a new device. If that process will require several hours of your time, it may be worth it to opt for getting it fixed.

Consider Trading in Your Tablet

Depending on where you go for tablet repair, you may have the option of trading in your device for credit toward a refurbished model of your choice.

This will allow you to trade up without the expense of buying a new tablet. And, if you can trade in your broken tablet or iPad, you’ll save even more.

FixIT Mobile | Bad Apple, the tablet repair experts in Utah, offers expert repair on smartphones and tablets. Whether you have a broken screen, water damage, malfunctioning charge port, dead battery or any other problem, we can help. We also provide a warranty on both parts and labor. You’ll love our iPad repair pricing and fast turnaround. And, if we can’t repair your tablet or if you prefer to trade up to one of our guaranteed refurbished models, we may be able to buy your old device or take it in exchange for a discount on your like-new device purchase.

Stop by or call one of our convenient locations today for help with all your iPad and tablet repair needs.

Smartphone Tips & Apps for Travelers

Jan 2, 2017

When you’re traveling, your smartphone can either be the most useful tool you could possibly own, or it could be an amazing stress and drain on your funds. Overseas data and texting charges could cripple you if you’re not smart about them, and trying to look up records in random moments when your connection is uncooperative can be amazingly frustrating.

Here are some handy tips and resources that could keep your smartphone on the side of usefulness and protect you from unnecessary charges.

General Tips

  • Use wifi when possible. This will help you conserve on data. Just walk into any Starbucks or McDonald’s throughout the world. You can also get wifi in a lot of travel hubs, like airports or train stations.

  • Use chat apps to talk with people or when coordinating with travel buddies in order to avoid fees for calls out of country. You can video chat or use voice on Facebook Messenger, Google Chats, and Skype.

  • You can use the television in your hotel room to charge your smartphone. If you forgot an adapter for a different country, or just one that will allow you to plug your cord into the wall outlet, you can use the USB port on your television in order to charge your phone instead.

  • Use your camera to keep track of certain papers. Take a photo of your itinerary, a list of important numbers, your boarding pass, etc. so that you have a backup in case you lose something important. You can also take screenshots of important emails so that you can reference them quickly without needing to connect to the internet.

  • Easily mount your smartphone to watch a show on a bus or plane by 1: using an old cassette case as a mount, or 2: putting your phone in a clear plastic baggie and attaching it to the clip used to hold up your tray table in the seat in front of you.

5 Apps for Easier Travel

  1. Stay informed with the Smart Traveler app from the government. This helps you keep aware of travel updates and alerts in your area so that you can stay safe and avoid unnecessary delays.

  2. Citymapper is the favorite app for getting around. It lets you choose your method of transport, and gives specific directions so even if you’re feeling completely clueless in a new city, you can look like a local as you get from place to place.

  3. Enrich your experience wherever you go by downloading some walking tour apps. These will narrate certain paths, adding interesting tidbits as you go.

  4. To track the memories better, use something like SpeakingPhoto to do a voiceover on your photos. Many travelers have a problem with knowing which photo was where, once they’ve been traveling for a few days. They all start to run together. Now you remember better, and you have more impactful photos

  5. TripIt helps you keep track of your travel itinerary automatically by sifting through your emails and keeping them in a centralized location that’s easier to keep track of.

Signs Your Smartphone Battery Needs to be Replaced

Feb 14, 2020

Over time even the best smartphones start to decline, and one of the most noticeable ways that it happens is with the battery. Few things are as frustrating as a battery that won’t hold a charge long enough to get you through your hectic days. requiring that you chain yourself and your phone to a plug so you don’t “die”. Fortunately you can get your smartphone battery replaced when it wears out. Here are some signs that your battery might be damaged or in need of repair.

Smartphone batteries don’t last forever. Here are some signs you need a new one.

You’re Constantly Dying

Perhaps the easiest way to figure out your smartphone battery needs to be replaced is noticing how often you need to recharge it throughout the day. As smartphone battery life has improved, most people can use a phone for normal activities and have some charge remaining at the end of the day (although it depends on your personal usage habits). When you have to recharge it in the middle of the day, or more than once a day, that’s a sure sign that your battery needs replacement.

The Phone is Getting Older

You can also figure out how many times you’ve charged it since you first purchased the phone. Since you likely charge it about once a day, each year would be around 350 charging cycles. The average phone battery is designed to last from 300-500 charging cycles, so when you get around the 18-24 month mark since you bought the phone, the battery is likely getting worn out.

Charging Cycles Don’t Fully Recharge the Phone

Another sign that your battery is in need of replacement is an inability to reach a full charge on a typical charging cycle timeframe. Most cell phones require about 4 to 6 hours to go from a completely drained to a full battery, so test it by letting your phone’s battery run out (under 5% battery life left). Then plug it into a charger for the amount of time the manufacturer recommends. Power it on and look to see how full the battery is; if it’s below 100%, your battery is unable to hold a full charge.

The Battery Runs Hot

While slow-loading apps or slow response times to your finger taps can also be a sign of a problem, a more dangerous sign is a battery that overheats under normal use or gets very hot while you’re charging the phone. This can be a sign of battery damage, and should be addressed immediately.

Get it Replaced

Cell phone battery replacement is an easy thing to do, and the experts at FixITMobile | Bad Apple can help you get a new phone battery quickly and easily. If that’s the only noticeable problem with the phone, replacing the battery is going to be a lot less expensive than getting a new phone. Come in today to see our easy and affordable smartphone battery replacement service.

Signs It’s Time to Replace Your iPhone Battery

Aug 2, 2019

Do you need a new iPhone battery?

If you’ve owned your iPhone for more than a year, there’s a good chance the answer to that question is yes. According to Apple, the battery can receive 500 complete charge cycles while retaining 80 percent of its original capacity. So, if you charge your iPhone every day – or more than once a day – the battery may need showing signs of wear.

Watch out for the following issues, as they indicate that now may be the time to replace your iPhone battery.

Is my iPhone battery dying?

Your iPhone Shuts Down Suddenly

If your iPhone unexpectedly shuts down when the battery still has a good charge, it isn’t a good sign.

While a calibration problem could be to blame – which is easy to resolve with a full charge and a soft reset – shutting down all of a sudden is more likely due to a worn battery. To avoid future shut-downs, you may need a new iPhone battery.

Your iPhone Works Only When Plugged In

Your iPhone is supposed to function when it’s charging – but not only when it’s charging.

If you unplug your device from the charger and it immediately dies, that isn’t normal. The battery might not be completely lifeless, but you’ll need to replace it if you want to end your reliance on an outside power source.

Your iPhone Is Hot to the Touch

When you pick up your smartphone, you shouldn’t feel any heat – the battery is designed to keep the heat from recharging inside.

If you’re using your device to take selfies in the sun, or it’s been sitting on your car dashboard on a hot day, that’s likely why it feels hot. If you have no explanation for the heat, however, you probably need a new iPhone battery.

Do You Need to Replace Your iPhone Battery?

With the right iPhone repair specialist, you can get a new battery installed for an affordable price. And, you won’t have to live without your device for long – the process should take less than an hour or two, depending upon when you come in.

If you live in Utah and you need to replace your iPhone battery, turn to the repair experts at FixIT Mobile | Bad Apple. We have multiple locations, so stopping by is both quick and convenient. And our transparent pricing means you’ll know how much battery replacement costs ahead of time.

To learn more about our smartphone repair services, or for a professional opinion on whether it’s time to replace your iPhone battery, contact FixITMobile | Bad Apple today.

Should You Visit an iPhone Repair Shop or the Apple Store?

Oct 11, 2019

Your iPhone is no longer under warranty, and you’ve just dropped it in the toilet or cracked the screen. Or maybe the device just isn’t working. Should you take it to an iPhone repair shop, or are you better off bringing it to the Apple Store?

While your first thought might be to go with the latter option, these days more people are choosing to visit an iPhone repair shop instead. Here’s why.

iPhone Repair Shop


Getting an appointment at the Apple Store isn’t easy, and many people have to wait at least a few days for an opening in the schedule. And while most locations take walk-ins, the wait time for repairs can be several hours.

In contrast, an independent repair shop can fix an iPhone much faster. Many, including Bad Apple, offer same-day service whenever possible. And for some issues, repairs can take as little as an hour.


Regardless of the repair needed, the out-of-warranty fee the Apple Store will charge is almost certainly higher than the cost at an independent repair shop.

How much higher? That depends upon the damage – but we can tell you that Apple’s iPhone repair fees for customers without AppleCare+ coverage may be as much as $599 depending upon the iPhone model and the type of fix it needs.


Out-of-warranty repairs completed at the Apple Store come with a 90-day guarantee – which, admittedly, is a respectable offer.

That’s why many independent repair shops offer solid warranties of their own. Here at Bad Apple, we provide a 90-day limited warranty on all parts and services, and our premium iPhone screen repair comes with a 90-day warranty.

Choosing the Right iPhone Repair Shop

 If you need iPhone repair, you should do a bit of research before choosing an independent shop.

Look for one that’s been in business for at least a few years, as iPhone repair requires technical expertise. Check the quality of the parts the shop uses, too -- premium original parts and equipment are more reliable than cheap aftermarket parts. Take the time to read customer reviews as well, and find a shop that offers both transparent pricing and warranty coverage on repairs.

Anytime your iPhone is in need of repair, turn to FixIT Mobile | Bad Apple. Our technicians have extensive experience fixing all iPhone models, and we only use original premium parts. We guarantee our services, too, and you can find our repair pricing on our website.

Getting an iPhone fixed at FixIT Mobile | Bad Apple is extremely convenient. We have multiple locations throughout Utah, and our team can complete most repairs the same day you bring your device in.

For a fast, affordable fix, FixIT Mobile | Bad Apple is the independent iPhone repair shop you need. Contact us or stop by one of our Utah locations today!

Setting Up Filters and Parental Controls on Your Smartphone

Mar 2, 2017

Smartphones are amazing. The computing power that took up rooms decades ago now fits right in our pockets, and with the convenience of the internet, any information you want is literally available at a touch of your finger.

On the other hand, those of us with kids quickly learn that there’s plenty of information on the internet that we don’t want our children stumbling into. Not only does offensive and crass content sneak in on the browser, but it’s also easy to waste time, and avoid the work that we actually need to do.

Whether you want parental controls to keep your teen from texting far into the night, or to keep your child’s phone a much more PG-atmosphere, there are options that put the control in your hand and protect your son’s and daughter’s childhood for longer.

These tools can also come in handy if you want to moderate data usage so that it’s more evenly distributed throughout the family plan, or if you have a toddler who loves to play around on your phone, but you want to make sure that she’s unable to accidentally make purchases on your various accounts or call random people in your phonebook.

First Line of Defense: Enabling Controls

There are some baseline controls that are already part of the operating system of your phone. These can help you control which apps your child has access to, what they’re able to download, and provide privacy settings on their social media accounts to protect them.

For Android:

The easiest way to set up parental controls on an Android is to create a new user. With Android’s newest operating system, you can go to Settings->Users and set up a new user on your phone with restricted access. You’ll retain your user setting as owner of the phone, and have the ability to add or delete anything that’s done under another user’s access. The Google Play store is where you’ll want to go to restrict objectionable content. Go into the app and access its settings, and then go to the User Controls section and select Parental Controls. Here, you can limit access, and protect your settings with a password that you set.

For iPhone:

Activate “Restrictions” which you can find in Settings->General->Restrictions. Once you click to enable restrictions, it will ask you to set a passcode (which should be different from the passcode on the phone itself). Within Restrictions, you’ll be able to toggle which apps can be used and which can’t. You can also set limitations for installations and downloads, uninstalling, or making purchases within apps. This section will also let you set limits on content ratings, whether that’s movies, shows, books, or music. There’s also an option that lets you control Siri’s ratings, which will allow you to block explicit content and control web searching access.

Apps that Increase Parental Controls

If you would like to set up controls that are more comprehensive and detailed than those found in the default operating system on your child’s phone, you can download a wide range of apps that increase your control. Here are a few to take a look at.

  • Screen Time Parental Control: This is one of the least invasive parental control apps. The main purpose of it is to monitor screen usage and enable time restrictions that keep your child from getting distracted on their phone when they should be doing something else.

  • Kids Place: This is a great app if you’re the parent of a young child who loves to play on your phone. When you turn on the app, it creates a safe zone where your child can only play with apps that you’ve specifically approved, and it also keeps your child from making purchases or calls.

  • Funamo Parental Control: Funamo is one of the most popular filters that you can set up on your phone. It allows you to block apps, control certain app usage, and it also includes a comprehensive internet filter that guards your child’s phone (or yours) from offensive content.

This is only a handful of the filters that are available out there. If you have more questions, feel free to visit us in one of our convenient locations!

Preventing a Cracked Screen

Mar 15, 2017

Hands-down, the most common problem that we see in our stores is a cracked screen, and we’ve heard every crazy story. We’ve heard from people who have dropped their phones out of 5-story windows. We’ve talked to customers who have run over their phone with a car, and others who have lost their phone to their dog’s questionable mercy. Ever since iPhones came onto the market, cracked screens from accidents are a problem that we’ve been trying to solve.

Although most of the time, a crack won’t stop your smartphone from working, it will be terribly inconvenient. Depending on what kind of screen it is, it might even cause injury when you try to do your usual swipes and taps.

Most of us really love our smartphones. They’re usually the first things we see in the morning, and the last things we see at night. Without them, we feel crippled. And yet, not very many of us take the precautions that we should to protect our investment. Here are a few steps that you can take to lower your risk of cracking a screen:

1: Get a Phone Case

Sure, there are plenty of fashion cases that look really cute, but take a moment to consider how well it protects your phone. Phone cases range from cheap plastic that will just crack along with the rest of your phone, to hard-core, waterproof cases that could be run over by a semi truck and not show a single dent. The best phone cases will absorb shock. Beyond that, it will be a matter of personal preference, whether you think that water-resistance is necessary, what texture you like it to be, etc.

2: Get a Screen Cover

Although they were practically a given back when smartphones first came out, today scratch-resistant advances in tech have made screen covers less common. However, they can still be useful to prevent cracked and shattered screens. Certain screen protectors will shatter themselves without the original screen showing a single crack. Others simply help to absorb shock and prevent damage from spreading.

3: Try a Wristlet

This is a trend that went out of fashion a while ago, but it can still be useful to prevent dropped and broken phones. Imagine dropping your phone while you’re taking a picture out the window of a moving car. Or, how many of us have dropped our phones right onto our own faces while we’re laying on the ground, browsing through Instagram? Either problem can be prevented if you get in the habit of a keychain-style loop wrapped around your wrist when you’re using your phone in a risky position.

Of course, the best way to prevent a cracked screen is not to drop your phone in the first place. Set good habits of putting your phone in a safe pocket, not texting and walking, and placing it on a sturdy surface when you set it down.

And just in case you still happen to drop your phone… we’re here for you. We offer value and premium pricing so that you can repair your phone even if your budget doesn’t allow for a big expenditure. We also sell phone accessories, as well as used and refurbished phones and devices.

Need to Fix a Phone? Repair Options for Broken Smartphone Screens

Sep 20, 2019

If you have a broken smartphone screen, repairing it quickly is essential. The issue may seem minor, but if you wait to fix the phone, the crack could end up causing major damage.

When you need phone repair, you have a few options to consider. Here’s a look at four ways to fix a phone with a broken screen.


If you broke your smartphone screen during the manufacturer’s warranty period, there’s a chance – a very small one – that you can get the device fixed at no cost. Be aware, though, that most warranties don’t cover accidental damage. And if you do somehow manage to get the manufacturer to take care of the phone repair, shipping the device out ensures you won’t get a fast fix.


If you have smartphone insurance, the plan may include broken screen repair. However, in most cases, you’ll have to pay a deductible to fix the phone – the service won’t be free. Plus, since you’ll have to ship out the device and wait for it to come back, you may be without a phone for longer than you’d like.

DIY Phone Repair

If you’re handy, you might consider taking the DIY approach, thinking you’ll save money if you fix the phone yourself. That could happen, but replacement parts can be quite pricey. And to repair a broken smartphone screen, you may need to buy special tools or a phone repair kit. Let’s not forget, too, that any mistake you make could result in bigger problems.

Professional Phone Repair

If you do a quick internet search, you’ll find a number of local smartphone repair experts. But do your homework before deciding where to fix the phone. Make sure the service you choose offers same-day repairs and has at least a few years of experience repairing broken smartphones. And, look for a company with favorable reviews, as that shows a dedication to customer service.

Time is of the essence if you have a broken smartphone screen, and you no doubt want a cost-effective solution. Therefore, only one choice – turning to a local smartphone repair expert – makes sense.

If you’re in Utah and you need to fix a phone, head to FixIT Mobile | Bad Apple. We have multiple convenient locations in both states, and our team offers same-day service whenever possible.

With FixIT Mobile | Bad Apple, professional phone repair is affordable -- our value screen repair comes with a low-price guarantee, and our premium service includes a 90-day warranty. We offer fair, transparent pricing, and we can meet all of your smartphone and tablet repair needs

Don’t put off repairing your broken smartphone screen. Call on the phone repair experts at FixIT Mobile | Bad Apple, and we’ll fix the phone quickly for a great price. Stop by today!

It’s a Bad Idea to Put Off Smartphone Repair for a Cracked Screen

Jul 18, 2019

A cracked screen might seem like an issue you can live with, but if you delay getting smartphone repair, you could end up with bigger problems.

If your smartphone screen is cracked – even just a tiny bit – a number of things can go wrong. And though your device may be working right now, that could change at any time. Here’s what can happen if you put off smartphone repair and how to find an affordable fix for a cracked screen.

Utah screen repair

Cracked Screens Easily Shatter

Any crack on your smartphone screen puts it at a much greater risk for shattering – and it may not take much. Simply setting the device down on your desk could cause it to shatter, or the screen could break in to a million pieces from minor jostling in the car.

Cracks Can Damage Major Components

When your smartphone screen is cracked, the important interior components no longer have the protection they need. Dust, water and debris can easily cause more damage, leaving you with more costly repairs or even a bricked smartphone.

Cracked Screens Can Cause Injuries

Using a cracked smartphone screen can result in cuts or glass splinters being embedded in your skin. Plus, depending upon the location of the crack, you can get eye strain trying to view the content. Why risk injury from a device that’s supposed to make your life easier?

Cracks Decrease the Value of Your Smartphone

If you decide to sell your smartphone at some point, as many people do, it won’t be worth nearly as much with a cracked screen. By getting smartphone repair now, you will be protecting the long-term value of the device.

Finding Fast and Affordable Smartphone Repair

Don’t look to your warranty for coverage for a cracked smartphone screen, as manufacturers almost never repair damage caused by a drop or knock. And while you can pay the manufacturer to fix your smartphone, going that route means shipping your device out and waiting for it to return – and that can take a long time.

Have insurance on your smartphone? Repair probably won’t be free, like you might expect. And, relying on your insurance will not result in a quick turnaround time – you will likely have to live without your device for quite a while.

For a more cost-effective approach – and a faster fix – turn to a local smartphone repair expert. In Utah, FixIT Mobile | Bad Apple is the go-to source for quick, affordable repairs.

With FixIT Mobile | Bad Apple, you can count on fair, transparent pricing and a fast turnaround time. We offer a low-price guarantee, and our premium screen repair comes with a 90-day warranty. What’s more, our experts can often fix cracked screens in a single day.

With multiple convenient locations throughout Utah, FixIT Mobile | Bad Apple can serve all of your device repair needs. If you have a cracked screen, contact us for fast, low-cost smartphone repair today!


Is a Cracked Tablet or Phone Screen Your Fault?

Jun 14, 2019

Every day, tablet and smartphone repair shops repair or replace countless broken or cracked screens for their customers. Sometimes this damage occurs even if you have taken all the steps reasonably necessary to protect your device.

Many device manufacturers have begun using thinner glass to reduce the weight of smartphones and tablets. Thin glass is also necessary for the proper function of touch screens. But, in some cases, manufacturers simply use lower quality screen materials to reduce costs.

Sometimes breakage occurs simply because of an unfortunate accident. But, in many cases, a cracked or broken screen is the result of device design and manufacturing.

Utah smartphone screen repair

Common Causes of Device Screen Damage

At the top of the list is an obvious cause: dropping your device. But your screen might crack under torque or pressure, such as sitting on your phone or carrying it in your back pocket. Carrying your phone or tablet unsecured in a handbag, backpack or briefcase can lead to screen damage as can placing heavy items on top of your device.

But, as many electronic device owners have noted, smartphones and tablets simply break easier today than ever before. Larger, lighter devices are more fragile than the stout and compact designs of the past.

How to Prevent a Cracked or Broken Screen

The fact is that all of today’s electronic devices are fragile to a degree and none are immune to breaking if they fall far enough onto a hard surface. But some devices hold up better than others. In a series of drop tests recently performed by Tom’s Guide, older iPhones and the Samsung Galaxy Note 8 were among the worst performers. So, when choosing a new device for purchase, take the time to research your options. You have multiple options for preventing breakage, including high-tech cases and screen protectors. Screen protectors go a long way in the prevention of damage and, the higher the quality of the protector, the better your chances are of avoiding a problem.

Why You Should Have a Cracked Phone Screen Repaired

Some industry skeptics believe that device manufacturers intentionally use substandard materials, in hopes that consumers will simply buy a new device if their old one breaks. Whether that’s true or not, you may not want to reward any manufacturer whose products don’t stand up to reasonable use.

If you’re single and looking, you definitely want to have your screen repaired. A recent poll indicated that 86% of women negatively judge men with cracked phone screens!

But the most persuasive reason for getting your phone repaired is cost. The average cost of having screen replacement done by an independent phone repair shop is substantially less expensive than buying a new device or taking your phone to the manufacturer for repair.

In Utah, cracked screen repair from FixIT Mobile | Bad Apple is especially cost-effective. We are experts in iPhone and iPad repair as well as Samsung, Google, LG, HTC and most other popular device makes and models. No matter whose fault it was, you don’t have to walk around with a shredded screen. Contact us today to schedule your cracked or broken phone screen repair.

iPhone Optimized Battery Charging: Basics and Benefits

Jan 11, 2022

As Apple's iOS 13 is becoming more widely-used, some iPhone users have begun to experience issues where instead of charging fully, their device instead stops charging at 80%. While you may think this is a glitch or some kind of damage-related issue, it's actually not -- rather this is the result of a new feature, one known as Optimized Battery Charging mode.

At Bad Apple, we're happy to offer a variety of iPhone repair and related services, plus tips and expertise to clients on how to use any new features or applications that are present when they upgrade their operating system. What is the Optimized Battery Charging feature, what's the science behind its conception, and how can you know when it's active and/or turn it off? This two-part blog series will go over everything you need to know.

optimized battery charging basics

Optimized Battery Charging Basics

Before you simply assume that Optimized Battery Charging refers to a program that stops charging at 80% for all users no matter what, it's important to realize that it's actually a more intelligent program. Specifically, this feature uses machine learning to understand your daily charging activities -- based on the data it collects, if it believes the phone is being left on the charger for a long period, it will delay charging past 80%. This doesn't mean charging is limited in all circumstances, however. Rather, it means the phone won't go to full power immediately after being plugged in -- rather it waits until you're finished using your iPhone or have a period of idle time on your hands before re-enabling charging. In essence, this feature is doing its best not to overload battery components.

Why 80%?

To understand the answer to this question, you need to know about about the lithium-ion batteries used to power iPhones. These batteries naturally see their performance diminish over time, and this is based on both chemical age and temperature.

The 80% stoppage figure is present to reduce the amount of time the battery spends fully charged. This stops the battery from overheating as often as it may have previously, which in turn prolongs its lifespan in the long run.

Benefits of Using Optimized Battery Charging

By utilizing this feature, you'll see both short-term and long-term benefits. First off, by keeping your battery in the optimal temperature range it's much less likely to overheat during periods of high use. This means that your device won't shut down unexpectedly or lag as often -- which is something that typically only occurs when the phone is really pushed to its limits.

Additionally, by keeping your battery in the optimal temperature range, you're doing your best to reduce chemical degradation -- which really does affect how long your iPhone lasts on a single charge. This is especially important for newer iPhones that have had their batteries replaced with third-party components, as this can cause short-term issues while Apple deals with supply chain concerns.

For more on why your phone stops charging at 80% and why you should utilize the Optimized Battery Charging feature in new iOS versions, or to learn about any of our iPhone or iPad repair services, speak to the staff at FixITMobile | Bad Apple today.

iPhone Back Screen Replacement Needs and Options

Aug 2, 2021

If you have one of the newer iPhone models, such as the iPhone 8, X, XR or 11, you’re well aware of the stunning all-glass design that they carry, including glass on the back of the phone. This glass allows for several performance improvements, including wireless charging, but also comes with a small cost: This back glass can become cracked if it’s not protected properly, and may require replacement in some cases.

At Bad Apple, we’re here to help with a variety of iPhone repair services, including screen repairs and both front- and back-glass replacement assistance when needed. While determining a need for front screen replacement is often somewhat straightforward, this same process for back glass is often a little more complex. Here’s a primer on whether your back glass needs replacement, the options you have here, and how you can prevent this risk in the future.

Does Your Back Glass Need Replacement?

First and foremost, how can you tell when cracked or broken back glass on your phone is serious enough to require replacement? As we noted above, this can be tougher than the front screen – back glass cracks don’t stop you from reading or typing on your screen, for instance, or from performing virtually any standard phone task.

However, these issues do come with risks. The first is the possibility of cuts and scratches on your fingers and hands, which only grow the longer you leave the glass cracked. In addition, as back glass damage worsens, it may lead to large glass chunks falling off the device, exposing internal components and creating much further damage. For this reason, replacing cracked back glass before it reaches this point is important.

Replacement Options

You may have multiple options for back screen replacement:

  • Warranty: Through AppleCare, your manufacturer or your carrier, you may still be under warranty. These repairs are usually cheap or free, however they also often come with a period of days where you are without your phone.

  • Repair pros: Our team is happy to help with back glass replacement for many iPhone models, with prompt repairs that don’t require you to leave your phone for days.

  • DIY: Technically, you can attempt to repair back glass issues on your own – but without training, you risk both injury and worsening of the problem. We do not recommend this route.

Future Prevention Tips

Whether your back glass is currently cracked and you want to prevent this from happening again, or you simply want to avoid cracked glass in the future, the name of the game here is purchasing a quality case. Durable phone cases will protect glass from drops, scratches and other forms of damage. If you really enjoy the appearance of back glass and don’t want to cover it, using a tempered glass back will also provide solid protection.

For more on replacement for a cracked iPhone back glass issue, or to learn about any of our phone repair, tablet repair or other services, speak to the staff at FixITMobile | Bad Apple today.

How to Troubleshoot Smartphone Camera Problems

Feb 15, 2019

If you’re having camera problems on your smartphone or tablet, it’s usually not as frustrating as losing some the device’s other functions. But we all rely on our phone cameras to help us capture important personal moments, document events and share information with others.

Before you seek professional repair for your device’s camera, take a few minutes to try to identify the problem. Often, you can get your device back to normal with a few simple steps.

The process for troubleshooting a smartphone camera issue varies somewhat, depending on whether you have a Samsung Galaxy, LG, HTC, Android, iPhone or another brand. The process is also somewhat different based on whether you’re having problems with your phone’s front-facing camera, rear-facing camera or both.

Troubleshooting smartphone camera issues

General Tips for Troubleshooting a Smartphone Camera Problem

If you get a black screen when you try to use your camera, start with the obvious problems (yes, check anyway). Is your phone case or something else blocking the lens? Close and reopen the camera app. Close all other apps that you have open. Do a soft reset or reboot of your device. Make sure you’re running to most current operating system and that you have updated your apps. Do a hard reboot. Clear your cache, if your device offers that option.

If you have more than one photo app, try a different one to see if it works. Try switching between your front- and rear-facing cameras, to see if the problem is isolated in one or the other.

If you do get an image but it’s blurry or out of focus, take a moment to clean the lens with a soft, microfiber cloth or specialty lens wipes.

Tips for Troubleshooting a Problem with Your Camera’s Flash

If the camera works but the flash feature does not, start by verifying that you have the flash feature turned on and that nothing is blocking the flash (like your phone case). Next, try cleaning the flash lens. Test your phone’s flashlight feature because, in most devices, the light source is the same for both.

If you have an iPhone, some users report success by setting location services to the camera app to “Never.” It can’t hurt to try, and it only takes a few seconds.

It’s also important to note that, after using the flash for a long period of time or using it in a particularly hot location, it may disable itself until it has time to cool down.

Third-party apps are a known issue with Android flash issues. Try removing them and test your flash again. You can also encounter problems if your RAM or device storage levels are low. For Samsung Galaxy users, a low battery will prevent the flash from working.

Once you’ve exhausted these options, it’s time to pay a visit to your friendly, neighborhood smartphone repair experts at FixIT Mobile | Bad Apple. With convenient locations throughout Utah, we make it easy and affordable to get your devices repaired in a hurry. Contact one of our stores for fair and transparent smartphone repair prices.

Stop by today and let our highly trained and experienced technicians help you with any smartphone camera problems.

How to Save a Water-Damaged Tablet

Oct 18, 2019

Ever dropped your tablet in the tub? Or accidentally tossed it in the pool? People end up with water-damaged tablets more often than you may think – but just because a device gets wet doesn’t mean it’s doomed to fail.

If your tablet somehow takes a dunk in water, you may be able to save it if you act quickly and take the proper steps. Here’s what you need to do.

Water-Damaged Tablet

Get it Out of the Water

The longer your tablet remains submerged, the greater the chance of irreparable damage. So, don’t waste any time getting the device out of the water.

Turn Off the Tablet

Hit the power button immediately after taking the tablet out of the water and make sure the device is off. With no power flowing, water has a limited ability to cause damage. Avoid the temptation to turn it back on, as that could make the situation worse.

Strip Down the Device

Trapped moisture can compromise your ability to save a water-damaged tablet. Therefore, if your device is in a case, remove it. And if the tablet has a microSD card, SIM card or removable battery, take those out as well.

Wipe the Water Away

Grab a microfiber towel or soft, lint-free cloth and gently dry the device, paying special attention to the cracks, crevices and slots. Don’t try blowing into the open areas, and don’t reach for the canned air – taking either action could push water deeper into the tablet.

Pack the Device in Rice

Fill a large container with uncooked rice and bury your tablet, making sure there’s at least an inch of rice on all sides. Keep the device there for at least 48 hours, and – fingers crossed – the rice should absorb any residual moisture, leaving you with a fully functional tablet.

What if Your Water-Damaged Tablet Won’t Work?

Even if you act fast and take all of the steps listed above, there’s a good chance that your efforts won’t be enough to save your water-damaged device. Moisture could be deep inside, harming the delicate electronic components. Taking the tablet apart is risky, as you could easily cause more damage by doing so. The solution? Bring the device to a local tablet repair professional, like the experts at FixIT Mobile | Bad Apple.

Our highly experienced technicians have the skills to save water-damaged devices, and we can employ cutting-edge technologies to quickly restore your tablet to its former glory. And with multiple repair shops across Utah, visiting FixIT Mobile | Bad Apple is incredibly convenient.

For a complimentary assessment and estimate to repair your water-damaged tablet, contact FixIT Mobile | Bad Apple or stop by one of our Utah locations today.

How to Prolong Your Smartphone Battery Life

Mar 20, 2020

The battery on your smartphone is probably the component that will degrade quickest, and even as smartphone batteries have dramatically improved in terms of their ability to hold a charge, many people still find that over time a battery can’t hold a charge as long as it used to. Here are some tips to help you extend the lifespan of your battery so you won’t need smartphone battery replacement quite as early.

Smartphone batteries will eventually degrade, but there are steps to take to slow it down.

How Battery Lifespans Work

When you allow a battery to get close to 0% and charge it all the way to 100%, that’s a battery charge cycle. After a certain number of full charge cycles, the capacity of your battery will degrade, meaning it cannot store as much energy as it could when it was new. Phone manufacturers say that after about 400 charges (if you do a full charge cycle every day, that’s just a little over a year), the battery capacity degrades by about 20%. These are just estimates, and actual degradation could be more or less.

Maintain Consistent Temperatures

Phone batteries that are continually exposed to extreme temperatures—both hot and cold—will degrade faster than average. If you can avoid keeping your phone in places where it’s exposed to extremes, such as in a hot car during summer months or a freezing cold car in the winter, do it. Keeping it in a mild temperature range helps extend battery life.

Charge Properly

Learning the best ways to charge a battery can help extend its life. For example, fast charging (while very convenient if you’re out of juice and need your phone right away) puts more strain on the battery than a normal charge cycle. You should also avoid draining a battery all the way to 0% and charging it all the way to 100% if possible. This is counter to what you may have known about older batteries, which performed better if they were drained and charged completely. Today’s batteries don’t require this, and can perform worse under those circumstances.

If you are planning to turn off and store the phone for a long time (several months), charge it to about 50% before you turn the power off. It’s best to turn the phone on once a month or so to keep the battery working, since it will continue to degrade even when turned off.

Getting Your Smartphone Battery Replaced

Even with the best battery management, the component will wear out over time. The longer you have your phone, or the more you use it, the more quickly your battery will wear out. The good news is that Bad Apple can quickly replace the battery in your phone and get you one that works just like new, so you don’t have to spend a fortune on a new phone just because the battery isn’t working. Call or stop by our stores to find out more.

How to Not Damage Your Smartphone

Nov 15, 2019

In just 12 years since the first smartphone appeared on the market, they have become an indispensible part of our daily lives. We take them everywhere (even, perhaps, some places that they shouldn’t be). In all of those travels, our smartphones often suffer damage, but there are some fairly simple steps that you can take to avoid damage when possible.

Smartphones go everywhere with us, use these tips to avoid damaging them.

Avoid Dropping Your Phone

Ok, this one is pretty obvious, but beyond the cosmetic damage from being dropped, a hard hit to any surface could cause internal damage that you can’t see. Your phone is a tiny computer with thousands of small parts, so any time the phone is dropped, those pieces can suffer damage. The best way to protect your phone is to not drop it, but since that’s not possible to avoid all the time, getting a robust case to protect it or some other accessories that provide you with better grip can help.

Keep Your Phone Dry

Today many phones are advertised as waterproof, but there is no universal “waterproof” standard. Some are simply splash-proof, so if they are exposed to a little water at the beach or the pool they’ll be ok, but they can’t go underwater. Others can go fully underwater. Each phone has an “ingress protection” or IP rating to let you know what level of protection it offers from dust and water—the first number in a rating is its dust protection (usually 0-6), the second is its water protection (0-9).

  • Dust: A rating of 0 offers no dust protection, a rating of 6 offers complete dust protection and no opportunity for dust to get inside the device

  • Water: A rating of 0 offers no water protection at all, a rating of 4 offers protection from water splashing the device, and a rating of 7 or higher offers protection if the device is immersed in water

Look for phones with protection levels of IP67 or higher to know they’re fully waterproof.

Regulate Your Phone’s Temperature

When a smartphone gets too hot or too cold it can damage the battery. Since we take our phones everywhere, they could easily be left in the hot sun at the beach or the park or a family barbecue, or in the extreme cold if left outside in winter. Leaving your phone in the car won’t necessarily protect it, since cars temperatures can also be extreme. If you cannot keep the phone out of the heat or cold, turn it off and keep it stored in a place where it has some protection, like a bag or pocket.

Give Your Phone a Little Break

Just like you don’t want to go 24/7 without any sleep, your phone could use a break from time to time. Turning it off for a little while can give the phone’s internal components a rest. If you’re worried about turning it off at times when you might need it, think about doing this when you don’t want to be interrupted anyway, such as at a movie or once a week overnight.

There is no way to avoid damage entirely, so if something does happen to your smartphone, bring it to FixIT Mobile | Bad Apple to find out whether it can be fixed.

How to Keep Your Charging Cables from Breaking

May 2, 2017

It seems that our charging cables always have a shorter lifespan than our phones, tablets, and laptops, but fortunately there are a variety of things that you can do to protect those charging cables from damage and everyday wear and tear. Here are a few tips on keeping your charging cables in pristine condition.

Use a spring from a pen to protect the end of the cable.

For smaller cables, try using a spring from a pen to prevent the charging end from breaking. Simply remove the spring from any pen, stretch it out slightly, and carefully roll it onto the cable. Then move the spring to the charging end of the cable. The spring will help prevent the end from bending too much, which is one of the most common causes of charging cable breakage.

Weave paracord around the end of the cable.

A more attractive method is to weave some paracord around the end of your cable. Simply “gut” a length of paracord by removing the white strand in the middle, and then melt the ends with a lighter or match to keep them from fraying. Then, start at the charging end of your cable and weave around the cable using a “cobra” knot. Finish it off after you’ve woven up 1 to 2 inches. Much like the pen spring, this will keep the end of your cable from bending too much.

Wrap cables correctly.

Many people wrap their phone and tablet cables the same way that those cables were wrapped by the manufacturer—in an back-and-forth fashion where the cable is bent sharply from side to side, then looped around itself to hold it secure. The problem with this, however, is that it can create sharp bends in the cable, which will ultimately result in kinks and worn down insulation. Instead of wrapping your cables in such a tight fashion, wrap your cables in loose loops. You can gently weave the ends of the cable between the loops to hold it secure, or hold it secure with a simple twist tie.

Don’t stretch the cable.

Sometimes we’re tempted to stretch a cable as far as it will go, forcing it into a socket even though it creates a sharp bend in the cable at the outlet. Creating a sharp bend in a cable, however, is never a good idea, as doing so repeatedly will eventually cause the end of the cable to break. Move closer to an outlet or reconfigure the cable’s position any time you would be forced to create a sharp bend in the cable.

How Much Does an iPad Tablet Repair Cost?

Dec 20, 2018

Tablet repair costs vary heavily based upon the device damage and the component needing to be replaced. Until you bring it in for assessment, it’s tough to know the total cost of repair. When it comes to a key device like a tablet, which you use for reading, gaming, relaxation, work, and communicating with your family, having a damaged device is understandably stressful. When you see a cracked screen, it’s easy to go to a worst-case-scenario zone, in which tablet repair costs more than the original iPad.

Before you worry more over the costs, let’s take a look at the reality of iPad tablet repair cost.

ipad repair cost

iPad Tablet Repair Costs Vary Depending on Model 

Repair pricing for iPads depends heavily upon the model. Screen repair in particular boasts a large variance as it’s based upon the size of your screen. Headphone device type also makes an impact, as Apple stopped manufacturing devices with standard audio jacks. However, battery replacement for most iPad devices starts at $105 with installation fee.

Tablet Screen Repair Costs

Newer models, like the iPad pro, have a set screen repair cost at Bad Apple, usually in the $300-$350 range. For older iPads, the screen and LCD repair costs are separate. That’s why it’s important to assess the damage rather than assuming the worst—sometimes it’s a screen-only repair, and that will run around $160.

The Cost to Repair iPad Tablet Power and Charging Problems

iPad charging problems are among the most frustrating. We’ll help you make sure it isn’t just a faulty cord or plug, and after that test, we’ll look at component replacement options. The charging port is a common point of failure for iPads. At FixIT Mobile | Bad Apple, those generally run around $100-$150 to replace.

Repair Cost of Other Common iPad Issues

If your iPad has issues with the volume, it could be one or more causes. Again, this is why we recommend coming in right away. Faulty volume buttons usually come in at under $100 total, which is a comparatively inexpensive fix when you’re worried about replacing the entire device.

Camera malfunctions are also frustrating for iPad users. We use our tablets to capture our favorite memories, including birthday parties. They’re also ideal for capturing printed document images for work or personal purposes.

Most iPads have both front and rear cameras, and those have separate repair costs. Those start at $105 each. Like the LCD/screen of some iPads, you may only need one of these components replaced.

Need a Fast iPad Repair in Utah?

Most people also don’t realize that tablet repair can sometimes take as little as an hour. We’ll take a look at your iPad, give you a cost estimate, and get to work—usually resulting in hours-long or same-day repair. We operate throughout Utah.

Harmful Battery Habits: Signal, Brightness, Notifications

Apr 13, 2021

Battery life is a common topic for many smartphone owners, and the near-universal goal here is to maximize the length of your phone’s battery. There are a number of tactics you may take within this realm – but in reality, maximizing phone battery is often just as much about what you don’t do with the phone as what you do. At Bad Apple, we’re happy to regularly assist clients with battery, charging and numerous related issues as part of our phone repair services, which also span themes like water damage, screen cracks, sound issues and a huge range of pother problems you may be experiencing. We’ll provide you with all the expertise you need on how to optimize your phone’s battery performance – including several habits or behaviors that many smartphone owners take that could be easily eliminated to increase battery capacity and limit these issues over time. Here are some of the most prevalent such habits to eschew if you want to maximize battery.

phone habits hurt battery

Signal Searching

One top killer of phone batteries today is when you’re in a low-signal area and the phone is forced to search for a signal. There are two sides to this: The phone’s attempt to find its own calling signal, for one, but also its attempt to locate a WiFi signal in the area.

The former of these can’t be remedied specifically, outside avoiding going to too many areas where you know you get poor service. The latter, however, can be prevented: Simply change your phone settings so WiFi is turned off unless connected to a known network – or even consider turning to airplane mode temporarily if you know there won’t be enough signal for your data to work anyway. Only your data or WiFi need to be on at any given time, not both at once.

Brightness and Power Features

Another top source of battery issues with a phone is your brightness settings, which can eat up battery at an incredible rate. We generally recommend sticking with auto-brightness capabilities that are offered on modern smartphones today – not only because they’re generally ideal for operation, but also because they help optimize battery life. If you manually adjust your own brightness and keep it very high all the time, your battery will wear down much faster than usual.

Down similar lines, another feature that’s native to smartphones today is low-power mode. This allows the phone’s battery life to adjust while the phone limits certain background apps or other forms of battery usage, allowing you to get further use out of the phone before it dies completely. You should use lower power mode regularly, especially if you know you won’t have a chance to charge the phone for some time and are looking to preserve battery power.


We all like to feel popular and get a bunch of notifications on our phones, but this can strain the battery significantly. While you should certainly leave notifications on for the important areas of your life and reminders you absolutely need to see, those who are having consistent battery life problems often find these are limited by simply reducing their overall notification frequency.

For more on habits to limit if you want to maximize phone battery life, or to learn about any of our phone repair or other device repair services, speak to the staff at FixIT Mobile | Bad Apple today.

Get Your Gaming Fix: Our 5 Favorite iPad Games

Dec 28, 2018

Most people use their iPads for taking photos and using social media. iPads also make great e-book readers. Apple boasts over a quarter of the tablet market, and in the fourth quarter of 2018, they shipped 9.67 million units. If you’re one of those millions, it’s likely you enjoy playing games on your iPad, whether casually or seriously, alone on your commute, or sitting in the family room.

We’d like to recommend five of our favorite iPad games. Some of them are staples, and others new to the market. We’ve kept this list mainly kid friendly, though you’ll find some might work better for teens and adults only.


Civilization VI

Civilization is a series of comprehensive world-building strategy games, in which you begin a civilization and nurture it towards victory. You can even win with the proliferation of science. If you enjoy resource management, history, and learning more about world cultures, this is the game for you. Like its other incarnations, Civ VI features multiple game play modes so you can adjust challenge level and the length of time the full game will take to play.

Civ features some general depictions of violence and war, and it’s best for teens and adults.

Reigns: Her Majesty

Imagine being a powerful queen in a renaissance environment. Facing the reality of finding the perfect court is quite a challenge. Enter Reigns: Her Majesty, which is all about using a Tinder-type system to accomplish your goals. Explore harsh decisions and court politics and intrigue.

This game is appropriate for adults and teens.

Toy Blast

Like puzzles, bright colors, and something you can play with children? Check out Toy Blast. Get the satisfaction of popping cubes and exploring thousands of levels. Remember: you can use family sharing set up on your apple devices, allowing your entire family to access this app after purchase.

Teeny Titans Go!

Produced by Cartoon Network, Teeny Titans Go! is a Pokemon-esque adventure all about battling your Teen Titans. Win battles and collect virtual objects to obtain victory while enjoying a flawless cartoon feel.

This one has some mild cartoon violence, but it’s generally appropriate for all ages.

Monument Valley

A popular puzzle game, Monument Valley lets you complete puzzles and discover an enchanting world. This game is friendly for all ages and is known for its stunning design and breathtaking landscapes. This game also tackles concepts like self-discovery and forgiveness in the background.

Does Your iPad’s Condition Prevent Game Play?

Cracked screens, damaged speakers, and dysfunctional volume controls can negatively impact the experience of game play on your iPad. If you want to get back into gaming with the full iPad experience, we can help. Visit us at a FixIt Mobile | Bad Apple store in Utah to reclaim your iPad experience. We’re iPad repair and tablet repair specialists, and we complete most repairs same day so you can get back in the game.

For iPhone Screen Replacement, Should You Choose Tempered Glass?

Mar 1, 2019

If you need iPhone screen replacement, you will have the option of choosing tempered glass for your repair or opting for a less expensive – and less durable – type of glass for your screen. The right choice for you will depend on your goals and your budget. But, if you choose the right smartphone repair expert to help you, you are sure to find the best solution for your needs.

Pros and cons of using tempered glass for a cracked iPhone repair

What Is a Tempered Glass iPhone Screen?

Tempering is a process that uses heat or chemicals to strengthen glass in such a way that it resists damage and breakage. Under sufficiently severe circumstances, this durable glass may still break. However, if it does, the treatment ensures that the glass crumbles rather than splintering and creating sharp, dangerous shards.

This type of material is used in a variety of applications that include vehicle windows, diving masks, dishes, cookware, shower enclosures, diving masks – and smartphone screens.

Pros & Cons of Replacing Your Cracked Smartphone with Tempered Glass

If you choose a cracked iPhone screen replacement using tempered glass, you will pay more than you would for a non-tempered screen. But that’s essentially where the downsides end.

A tempered screen will endure significantly more abuse than the alternative. This means fewer screen replacements, but the level of protection goes even deeper. Any incident that cracks or breaks your screen has the potential to damage the sensitive – and costly – electronic components inside your phone.

If you choose an inferior material, you could add a separate, tempered glass screen protector. However, these covers can be costly and they’re almost always a challenge to install.

Do Low-Cost iPhone Screen Replacement Options Exist?

The answer to this question is a resounding yes – if you trust the phone repair experts at FixIT Mobile | Bad Apple.

For many years, we only offered premium repairs using original equipment manufacturer (OEM) approved parts. Our reason for doing so was firmly implanted in our quest to eliminate replacement part defects and achieve unconditional customer satisfaction.

Today, however, we have succeeded in sourcing a low-cost screen replacement option that we trust enough to offer it to our customers.

Consequently, we offer both premium and value-priced smartphone screen repair options. FixIT Mobile | Bad Apple is the leading expert for iPhone screen replacement in the Intermountain West. To learn more, contact us or visit one of our many, convenient retail locations in Utah.

Factors that Drive Cell Phone Repair Costs

Sep 13, 2019

At some point or another, you’ll probably need cell phone repair. And whether you end up dealing with a cracked screen, water damage, a malfunctioning charge port, issues with the camera or any other problem, one question will spring to mind – how much will it cost to fix your smartphone?

In fact, repair prices can range anywhere from $25 up to $250 or more. Here, the professional team at FixIT Mobile | Bad Apple explains the different factors that affect the cost of cell phone repair.

How much does smartphone repair cost

The Type of Smartphone You Own

As a general rule, older smartphone models are less expensive to fix than newer models. So if you’ve had your cell phone for a few years, you may not have to budget as much for repairs.

However, this isn’t always the case. For example, repairing the rear camera of an iPhone XS typically costs less than fixing the same issue in an iPhone 8 Plus. Likewise, screen repair for a Samsung Galaxy S9+ tends to be cheaper than that for a Galaxy S6 Edge Plus. Which brings us to our next point…

The Problem with Your Smartphone

The reason some issues are cheaper to fix in newer model smartphones is due to the ease of the repair – certain problems are simply more challenging to solve in older models.

Most of the time, the relative ease or difficulty of repairing a smartphone problem plays a major role in the price. Generally speaking, simple fixes, such as replacing a battery or a faulty earpiece, cost less than resolving water damage or complex cell phone problems.

The Phone Repair Service You Choose

Where you get your cell phone fixed can also impact the price you pay for the repair. As with any service, different companies charge different amounts – so shopping around may be in your best interests.

That said, simply choosing the phone repair service with the absolute lowest cost might not be a smart move. You don’t want to trust your smartphone to anyone who doesn’t have extensive experience, so be sure to check the background of any company you’re considering. In addition, to protect yourself from repeat problems, make sure the service you select offers a warranty on their work.

If you’re in need of cell phone repair in Utah, turn to the highly skilled technicians at FixIT Mobile | Bad Apple.

With FixIT Mobile | Bad Apple, you can count on fair, transparent pricing. We keep our phone repair costs low, yet our team has the expertise to fix damaged smartphones properly. What’s more, we stand behind our work, offering a warranty on parts and services – so if you bring your device to us, you won’t have to worry about having the same problem again.

Getting your smartphone fixed is fast, easy and affordable with FixIT Mobile | Bad Apple. For expert cell phone repair, visit us today!

Dos and Don’ts of Cleaning Your Smartphone

May 16, 2017

As you can imagine, smartphones are host to all kinds of bacteria that inevitably gets transferred to your hands and face. They are handled by potentially multiple people several times a day, lie out on heavily trafficked surfaces, and even travel with us into the bathroom. Add to that the fact that these touchscreen phones are typically handled with less-than-clean hands, and it’s a wonder that we aren’t all infected with disease 90% of the time.

Fortunately, there are ways that you can effectively sterilize your phone without exposing to water or chemical damage. Here are the dos and don’ts that you should know when it comes to cleaning your iPhone, Android, or other smartphone.

Do use a screen protector.

First things first—it’s always a good idea to place a thin, clear screen protector directly on your phone screen’s surface to protect it from dust, dirt, scratches, and any cleaning agents you will use on your phone. Ideally, you’ll do this immediately after taking your phone out of the box, but if that time has passed, then you can still always do so after a thorough cleaning and disinfecting of your phone’s screen. Just be sure to find a screen protector made specifically for your phone. It may be well worth it to purchase a few in case you do not place it correctly the first time. Otherwise, you can opt to have a professional place it for you.

Do use a microfiber cloth.

A microfiber cloth is truly your best friend when it comes to cleaning your smartphone. It will take care of the majority of your cleaning needs. Wipe a completely dry cloth over your phone to remove any dust or oil, or dampen the cloth very slightly with some distilled water for more cleaning power. (Read below for more info on using cleaning agents with your microfiber cloth.) Keep in mind here that you’ll need to replace your microfiber cloth once it becomes overly saturated with the oils it has picked up over the months.

Don’t use any paper based wipes.

It’s best not to use paper towels, facial tissues, and other paper based wipes on your phone, as they could scratch the screen surface.

Do use liquids very sparingly.

You should definitely approach using cleaning agents on your phone with caution. Again, a microfiber cloth can take care of most of your cleaning needs. When you feel that sterilizing your phone is absolutely necessary, fill a small spray bottle with equal parts distilled water and 70% isopropyl alcohol, and then spray your microfiber cloth once or twice. Then, gently wipe the microfiber cloth across your phone’s surface. This is best done with a clear screen protector already installed on your phone.

Don’t use any household cleaners or spray disinfectants.

Household cleaning products like Windex, 409, and Clorox can take the protective oleophobic coating of your phone’s screen right off, not to mention corrode the metal parts of your phone. Avoid using these types of cleaners, instead using the cleaning agents discussed above.

Cracked Smartphone Screen? Here’s What to Do Next

Jan 22, 2019

You’ve just cracked your smartphone screen – now what?

Although you may feel like panicking, keep calm and take heart, as all may not be lost. In most cases, you can have your phone back to looking and working like new with a screen repair.

Take these steps as quickly as possible to help ensure the best outcome.

Cracked smartphone screen repair in Utah

Seal Off the Cracked Smartphone Screen

Until you can assess the extent of the damage – and get it into the hands of a smartphone screen repair expert – seal the screen by placing a piece of heavy, clear tape of your phone.

Be very careful not to cut yourself on the glass, especially if shards are broken away or dangling.

Try Powering Your Phone On

If your device comes on and the display looks normal, proceed to the next step. If it doesn’t power on at all, or if the display is malfunctioning at all, you may want to consider powering the phone down and getting it a repair expert as quickly as possible.

If the display isn’t normal, the chances are good that you may have damaged some of the phone’s internal components, rather than simply cracking the screen. If you don’t have a recent backup – or if you aren’t automatically backing up to the cloud – this may be your best chance for recovering your photos and data.

Charge & Backup Your Smartphone

Plug your device in to charge and get a backup started. Getting your data backed up as soon as possible will help ensure you don’t lose anything. And, if you do end up having to replace the device – or if the phone repair experts can’t save your data – you will have what you need to restore your system.

Locate a Smartphone Repair Expert

In almost all cases, smartphone manufacturers will not replace your cracked screen as a part of the device’s warranty coverage. Everyone tries but the customer service reps can spot the proof that your device was dropped or otherwise damaged by something you did.

You can pay for manufacturer repair. However, few smartphone users have the time, trust or patience to ship their device back to the manufacturer and wait for it to come back in the mail.

If you have insurance on your phone, check the cost for screen repair (it’s almost never a free repair, even under the Apple Care plan). Before you decide to take that route, find someone in your local area that specializes in device repair and cracked smartphone screens and price the repair with them. You may be surprised to find that this is the most cost-effective approach, not to mention the fastest.

In Utah, FixIT Mobile | Bad Apple is your local expert for smartphone and tablet repair. You’ll be hard-pressed to beat our quick turnaround time and our fair, transparent prices. In fact, we have a low-price guarantee to back up our commitment. For most smartphone models, you even have a choice of value pricing and premium pricing – which includes a 90-day warranty – for your screen repair.

We have multiple convenient locations. Contact us today for help with all your device repair needs, including a cracked smartphone screen.

Common Ways that Smartphones Break

Sep 15, 2017

Modern life has become a lot more convenient, largely thanks to the tiny computer smartphones that we all carry in our pockets every single day. However iPhone and Android devices can cause their fair share of stress, as well, especially if they break! Smartphones can get pricey, especially if you have to continually get them fixed or replaced. Here are some of the most common ways that people break their smartphones...

Shattering the screen One of the most common ways that people break their iPhones and Androids is by breaking the glass on the screen. While this doesn’t necessarily ruin the phone (many people get along just fine with a cracked smartphone screen), it can eventually cause the touchscreen capabilities of a device to fade away. People break their screens by dropping their phone, stepping on it, sitting on it, or accidentally crush it with another object.

Breaking the buttons One of the key elements of smartphones is their touchscreen capabilities, which allows manufacturers to only need to use a few buttons on their devices. However, when one of those buttons breaks it can become incredibly difficult to use your device. People break the buttons on their iPhones and Androids by pushing the button to hard, dropping their phone, or by being in extremely wet or hot weather conditions.

Ruining the charging port Your smartphone isn’t going to do you much good if you can’t turn it on, unless you are using it as a paperweight. Another one of the most common ways that people break their smartphones is by ruining their charging port, so that the phone can no longer get a charge. People usually do this by yanking on the charging cord to unplug their phone, which damages the port, over time. However, sometimes people may think their charging port is broken, when it really is not. Sometimes, lint and debris can get caught in the port, which blocks the electrical connection. Before writing your phone off as destroyed, grab a pin and gently scrape out your charging port to see if that doesn’t solve the problem.

Choosing the Right Phone Case

Aug 1, 2017

Smartphones have become a way of life and an expensive one at that. The last thing anyone wants is for their brand new smartphone to take a dive onto asphalt--or into a toilette. Smartphones are becoming tougher, sometimes even water proof, but if you want to keep your investment in mint condition, it’s a good idea to invest in a case. The trick is finding the right one for you. Here is a basic rundown of your options:

The Minimalist Approach Also called slim cases, these are usually made from a slightly malleable TPU material that will protect the back and edges of your device. Slim cases work because, as the name suggests, they are sleek, smooth, and don’t add too much bulk to your phone. Whether you enjoy gazing upon the engineered beauty of your device, or you just don’t like having an enormous bulge in your pocket, slim cases will be good for you. Unfortunately, slim cases sacrifice protection for appearance and usability.

The Rugged Approach If you are hard on your devices, a little clumsy, or you work outside, you might want something a little bit tougher. Rugged cases can protect your phone against just about anything you might manage to do to it. Imagine putting a phone into a tank, and you’ll have the right idea. Drop proof, waterproof, and sometimes dustproof, these cases will keep your phone functioning for a long time. Unfortunately, with all of that extra protection comes a lot of extra bulk. They can be hard to hold in one hand, get stuck in your pocket, and might interfere with touch screen sensitivity.

The Tough Approach If you want the improved protection without a ton of bulk, you should consider a case that fits between the slim and rugged worlds. These kinds of cases usually come in two parts: a hard polycarbonate exterior and a soft silicone sleeve. This gives your phone an added layer of protection without increasing the size and weight of your phone to the proportions of a brick.

The Folio Approach What better way to compliment that sleek device than wrapping it in chic leather? Folio covers are the fashionable, and fairly effective, approach to protecting a phone. You can get them with magnetic or Velcro clasps that lock the cover into place to protect the screen in the case of a fall. Covers also integrate well with your phone’s sleep/wake features, which saves battery power. If leather is too pricey, you can also find alternatives, though you’ll want to read reviews on quality. Finally, some folio covers have slots for credit cards and can act as wallet replacements. Doing so, however, can add quite a bit of bulk and make it difficult to keep the cover closed.

Choosing the Ideal Screen Protector for Your Smartphone

Jul 12, 2022

At FixITMobile | Bad Apple, our iPhone repair services are second to none in your area -- and we see a number of common issues among many of our clients. One of the single most frequent such areas, but also one where phone owners have some control over things, is screen damage.

Simply put, many issues of screen damage are avoidable. The primary way to accomplish this: Through the use of a quality screen protector, of which there are dozens or even hundreds of options available to you for the phone model you use. What are some of the tips we offer to clients looking for a new screen protector on how to find the ideal option? Here are a few.

choosing screen protector smartphone

Plastic or Tempered Glass?

Generally speaking, most phone screen protectors today are made from either plastic or tempered glass. There are advantages and disadvantages to both types.

Plastic screen protectors, for instance, are usually less expensive than their tempered glass counterparts. They're also more likely to be "self-healing," meaning that if you do get a small nick or scratch in the plastic, it's likely that it will eventually disappear on its own.

On the other hand, tempered glass screen protectors offer a higher level of protection against cracks and shattering. They're also more resistant to fingerprint smudges and other cosmetic blemishes. However, they're also usually more expensive, and if they do crack or shatter, they will need to be replaced entirely.

Edge and Tactile Considerations

Naturally, how the screen protector interacts with your hands and fingers is also an important consideration. Some screen protectors -- particularly plastic ones -- can interfere with the phone's touchscreen sensitivity, making it more difficult to accurately select icons or type on the virtual keyboard. In some cases, this can be remedied by choosing a thinner screen protector or one that's explicitly designed not to interfere with touchscreen sensitivity.

Other screen protector edges can be quite sharp, which can be uncomfortable or even dangerous if you're not careful. Some manufacturers round the edges of their screen protectors to make them more comfortable and safe to use.

Custom-Made vs. "One Size Fits All"

Especially for higher-end phones, it's often worth considering a custom-made screen protector. These are designed specifically to fit your phone model, which means that they'll adhere more securely and provide better protection overall. They may cost a bit more, but for many people, the extra peace of mind is worth it.

"One size fits all" screen protectors, on the other hand, are usually less expensive but also less effective. They're also more likely to interfere with things like the phone's camera or fingerprint sensor.

These are just a few of the considerations you should keep in mind when shopping for a new screen protector. By taking the time to find the ideal option for your needs, you can help protect your investment and keep your phone looking like new for as long as possible.

For more on this, or to learn about any of our iPhone repair or related services, speak to the team at FixITMobile | Bad Apple today.

Can’t Charge Your iPad? Try These Tablet Repair Tips

Aug 16, 2019

If your iPad won’t charge or charging takes a really long time, you may need to head to a tablet repair expert. This is a known issue – one that occurs with both Apple products and other tablet brands -- and fixing the problem may require a new battery or charge port.

However, when an iPad isn’t charging as it should be, hardware issues aren’t always to blame. Before taking yours to a local tablet repair service, try these simple fixes.

Tablet won’t charge

Check the Charge Port

Dust, lint or other debris in the port can prevent an iPad from charging properly. Shine a flashlight into the charge port to see if anything is inside. If you spot any debris, use canned air or an anti-static brush to clear it out. Try charging again, and you may see success.

Force a Restart

To make sure a software problem isn’t stopping your tablet from charging, try a reboot. Hold down the Top button, then use the red slider button to power off the device. Let the device power down completely, then press the Top button again. In some cases, a restart can put an end to charging issues.

Turn Off the Tablet to Charge

If you routinely use your iPad while it’s charging, this could be the source of your difficulty – processor-heavy apps can quickly blitz through any battery power you gain. Turning off the tablet before setting it to charge could be the solution you need.

Try a Different Outlet

Sometimes, USB ports and outlets simply stop working – and if you only use a particular port or outlet to charge your iPad, you may not realize it has a problem. Try charging it somewhere else, and if you’re lucky, you may be able to avoid tablet repair.

Switch out the Cable

Likewise, charging cables – especially third-party cables -- can fail. Yours might look perfectly fine, but that doesn’t mean it is in good working order. Before taking your iPad to a tablet repair expert, try a different charge cable and see if that solves your problem.

Contact a Tablet Repair Expert

If none of the above fixes works, your iPad probably has a hardware issue. An expert technician can determine the cause, replace any defective parts and restore your tablet’s ability to charge – and if you choose the right repair service, you can get the work done for a low cost.

In Utah, FixIT Mobile | Bad Apple is the go-to source for fast, budget-friendly smartphone and tablet repair. We have numerous locations throughout both states, and our expert technicians offer same-day service whenever possible. If your iPad isn’t charging and you need affordable tablet repair, head to FixIT Mobile | Bad Apple today.

Broken Phone or Bad App? Troubleshooting Smartphone Glitches

Apr 19, 2019

Do you have a broken phone, or is an app causing the problems you’re currently experiencing?

Sometimes it can be hard to tell whether smartphone problems are hardware- or software-related. Whatever the cause may be, it can be frustrating and costly, especially if you jump the gun and replace your phone when you don’t need to.

Some of the most common problems that occur with smartphones, tablets and other devices can be traced back to apps that users have added.

smartphone repair for broken phones

Smartphone Battery Problems Related to Apps

Device batteries can be a constant source of frustration because they never seem to last as long as we need them to. If you’re constantly attached to a wall outlet or battery pack, it seems to defeat the purpose of having a smartphone. But, before you decide to replace your battery – or your entire device – make sure the constant drain isn’t being caused by an app.

Some of the most popular apps, such as Facebook and Pokémon Go, are notorious for their power use. But most apps will drain your device battery unnecessarily if they update in the background.

Check to see if any of your apps are running in the background and, unless you need them to update when you aren’t using them, turn that function off. If you’re still experiencing problems, try turning off one app at a time for a day or two and see if you notice any difference in how quickly your battery drains.

Unexpected Phone Resets & Shutdowns Related to Apps

The iPhone has a history of experiencing sudden, unexpected and repeated shutdowns and resets due to app-related glitches. For example, Apple had to issue an urgent iOS update recently to address an app-related problem that caused users phones to reboot over and over. In that instance, the apps in question used push notifications to remind users to take a medication or to get their steps in for the day.

If you’re experiencing reboots, shutdowns or related glitches with your device, install any operating system updates that are pending. Next, check to see if your apps need to be updated.

If these steps don’t resolve the glitches, consult with a smartphone repair expert to continue troubleshooting the problems.

Apps Causing Your Phone to Run Slow or Freeze

If your smartphone is running slow or freezing up, you may think you have a hardware problem.

These issues can be caused by a bad network connection, memory management problems or a lack of storage space on your device. But, more often, freezing and painfully slow operation are related to apps that you have installed.

Try closing all apps and rebooting your device. If you’re still having the problem, install any operating system and app updates that you have available. If you’re still having the same problem, back up your device and perform a factory reset. Before you install any apps, check to see if your device is still freezing or running slow.

If the problem is gone, you can rest assured it was being caused by an app. Reinstall your apps one by one, checking for the problem each time. If the issue comes back, its safe to assume that the last app you installed is the guilty party.

If the problem persists even after a factory reset, it’s time to seek the help of a seasoned smartphone repair pro. In Utah, trust your electronic devices to the experts at FixIT Mobile | Bad Apple. We offer quick turnaround and budget-friendly prices for iPhone repair as well as Android, Samsung, HTC, LG and more.

Contact us today for help with your broken phone.

Best Unconventional Dating Apps

Jul 1, 2017

Smartphones have radically changed the way that we conduct so much of our lives. The tiny computers connect us to the great wide world around us in a way that we have never been connected before. Naturally, human beings have used this as a way to find love (or something similar). While apps like Tinder and sites like Match and OKCupid have paired millions of bright-eyed lovers, some people need something a little more specific. Here are some of the more unconventional dating apps that appease the desires of the more unique amongst us...

Farmers Only Sometimes, there is a notable difference in personality between people in the country and people in the city, and city folks just don’t get it! At least that’s the philosophy behind the website and app ‘Farmers Only’, which helps a variety of farmers, ranchers, cowboys, cowgirls, and everything in between find like-minded matches.

Tindog Sometimes man’s best friend needs a little help to find love, too. If you’re a dog owner that wants to help your dog get a little puppy love, then thankfully there’s an app for you! Tindog is a great way to swipe across a not-quite-endless stream of adorable pups until your find a nearby one that you’d like to set up on a play date with your dog. We’re not sure if this really works in practice, but it’s there if you’d like to try it!

Feeld Some people have a lot of love to give, that it just spills over past their primary partner. For those people, along with all the marriages that are in the midst of their 7 year itch, there is Feeld (previously known as 3nder). Feeld is similar to other traditional dating apps, like Tinder, but is built for the purpose of setting up a ménage à trois. As of August, 2016, this app had 1.6 million downloads and counting, which means there’s more than a handful of curious couples out there!

Sizzl Of all unconventional dating apps, this one definitely takes the cake. Sizzle, created by Oscar-Mayer, is a real dating app that matches hopeful lovers with the person of their dreams solely based on their bacon preferences, whether you like fried, baked, smoked, turkey bacon, or whatever! All joking aside, this might actually be a more important factor to matchmaking than about anything else. After all, you can avoid political conversations, but you’re going to have to share breakfast with this person for the rest of your life (in the best case scenario).

Best Back to School Technology

Oct 1, 2017

The end of summer signifies a few different things; cooler air, shorter days, and back to school. For high school and college students, this also usually means that you’ll need to replace some of your school supplies from the year before. New gadgets and technology are constantly coming out, so when it comes time to buy something new, it can be really intimidating to figure out what you need.

The right laptop

A laptop is the perfect device for school. You can work on your homework and assignments from absolutely anywhere, which is especially helpful for doing study groups or working in the library. There are so many different laptops to choose from, so there will definitely be something out there that’s perfect for you. Make sure you do a lot of research on the longevity of the laptop, responsiveness, recalls, and battery life before you make a selection.

External hard drive

You don’t want to be stuck trying to save your report that’s due in the morning, and realize you have no space left on your laptop. Or even worse, have your computer crash or restart and realize that you lost all the work you’ve slaved over for the last three hours. An external hard drive is a great idea to avoid both of these problems. It’s a good idea to backup all of your homework before turning it in.


Chargeable backpack

This device can be a game changer. Backpacks that can charge your devices have been released; this means that while you’re walking to or from classes, or even while you’re sitting in class, you can easily charge your laptop and phone.


Protective accessories for phone and laptop

Electronic devices can be really expensive. The best products tend to cost the most. If you’re going to be willing to spend such a hefty amount on a single item, it’s a good idea to make sure you don’t waste that money and have to replace the device if the device were to break. Always have a protective case on both your laptop and your phone. You may think it doesn’t look as sleek, but you’ll be grateful when you drop your new laptop, and the case prevents the entire thing from shattering.


Wireless mouse

If you work from a variety of different places, a wireless mouse is an excellent idea. This gives you mobility no matter what kind of laptop you have, and no matter where you’re studying or working.

Best Apps for Children While Traveling

Aug 1, 2017

If you’ve ever been on a long flight with a toddler, you know that anything from the pressure hurting their little ears, to cramped conditions, to being tired can result in a very upset child. While we shouldn’t just toss electronics at our children, there are some fun, educational, and entertaining apps that can help little kids survive those long hours on a flight. Here are some good ones to consider:

PBS Kids Video

If your kids enjoy Daniel the Tiger, Arthur, or any of the other fantastic shows on PBS, why not take them with you? Download the PBS Kids app on your phone for free and get access to all of these shows. Unfortunately, this app requires a WiFi connection to work. If you are on a plane and don’t feel like springing for the WiFi, this won’t help much. But if you have a long layover in an airport, this might just save your sanity.

YouTube Kids

Just like traditional YouTube, this app lets you--or your kids--choose short videos to stream. The benefit of this app is that the content and the advertisements are child appropriate. You don’t have to worry about your kids getting into things that they shouldn’t. So, if your child likes a certain song (as most children do) they can enjoy it as many times as they like. You might want to bring headphones along too. Again, this option might only be feasible during layovers because of the WiFi issue.

Feed The Animals

People say that video games are rotting our kids’ brains, and while that may be true there are also loads of great educational options out there. Many of these are for free! If you want your children to brush up on their ABC’s, numbers, and animal names while on the go, check out Feed The Animals with Alphabet. This app not only helps your kids learn letters, it also teaches how to trace them and how to spell animal names. Plus, it’s fun.

Kids Doodle

Is your child a burgeoning artist? The Etch A Sketch is a classic, but this old-school toy can take up quite a bit of luggage space and the pictures aren’t very colorful. Fortunately there are dozens of free apps that will let your kids tap into their creative potential while you catch a little shuteye on the flight. Kid Doodle, is an awesome, highly rated, example to take a look at. The colors are a fun neon against a black background that should catch your kids’ attention and let them create something cool.

Android Repair – Easy Fixes for Common Issues

Sep 6, 2019

Sometimes – such as in the case of a cracked screen or faulty camera -- Android repair is best left to an expert. But solving certain problems that are common for smartphones and tablets running Android can be surprisingly simple.

The following troubleshooting guide from the Android repair specialists at Bad Apple explains quick and easy fixes that may work to restore functionality to your device.

Utah Android Repair

Device Connectivity Issues

If your Android device is unable to connect to Bluetooth or Wi-Fi, taking these steps may fix the problem:

  • Enable Airplane mode, then disable it

  • Turn Bluetooth, Wi-Fi or Data off, then back on

  • Remove your connection, then set it up again

Restarting your smartphone or tablet might also work to restore connectivity. And, if you don’t have the latest update, installing it may solve the problem.

Battery Life Issues

If your battery drains pretty quickly, you may need to visit an Android repair specialist for a replacement. But before you do, try these simple fixes:

  • Check your battery use, and get rid of anything that is unnecessarily consuming a lot of power

  • Dim the brightness of your device’s display and limit automatic syncing

  • Turn on the battery or power saving mode

  • Install a battery saving app, like Greenify or Battery Doctor

Android App Issues

Ask any repair specialist – problems with Android apps freezing, crashing and malfunctioning are quite common. If your apps aren’t acting as they should, try these fixes:

  • Reboot your smartphone or tablet

  • Make sure you have the latest version of the app installed

  • In the settings, use Force Stop and restart the app

  • Log out of the app, then sign back in

  • Clear the cache and app data

  • Check the app settings to see if changes may help

Overheating Issues

If your smartphone or tablet frequently feels hot to the touch, it may be defective – in which case you either need Android repair or a replacement device. However, you can try these easy fixes first:

  • Avoid using your Android device while it is charging

  • Cut down use of CPU-intensive apps when your device feels warm

  • Delete apps that use significant CPU power

Do You Need Professional Android Repair?

If the above troubleshooting tips fail to solve the problem with your smartphone or tablet, you’ll need a repair specialist – and in Utah, FixIT Mobile | Bad Apple offers quick repairs for an affordable price. And though our team has extensive experience repairing Android devices, we provide a warranty on parts and services.

With FixIT Mobile | Bad Apple, you don’t have to blow your budget to have a problem-free device. And with multiple locations throughout Utah, getting your smartphone fixed is both easy and convenient. If you need professional Android repair, stop by your nearest FixIT Mobile | Bad Apple today!

Android Devices: Security Tips

Sep 1, 2017

In the debate between Apple and Android devices, you’ve probably heard that iPhone’s tend to be have better security software than Androids. This might be true if you use your device right out of the box without changing anything, but each smartphone and tablet is only going to be as secure as the person who is using it. There are a variety of tips that you can utilize to make your android more safe and secure.

Here are some security tips to remember, as Android users...

Use the screen lock tools First of all, one of the most basic things to set up when you are making your Android more secure is to turn on the screen lock tools. While you can simply set up a password to get into your device, new Android devices offer more advanced and convenient security technology, such as fingerprint access.

Always update Hackers are always trying to catch up to device manufacturers and take advantage of smart device users. The last thing you want to do is let them catch up. Neglecting to update your device helps give hackers more time to break the security features on a device and get into your information. For this reason, always make sure to update your device in a timely manner, preferably as soon as you can.

Download straight from Google Play Google recommends downloading all of your apps straight through Google Play. The reason for this is that all files that your Android device downloads will have been verified by Google (at least to some degree). When you start downloading apps from places outside of Google’s control, then there is no way to be sure that what you are downloading is safe and free from nefarious intent.

Use Google’s encryption tools You can encrypt the data on your Android device by going to your security settings and turning on encryption. This makes it so that, if your device is lost or stolen, then the individual who has your device will be unable access your personal information. Plan to charge your phone when you are encrypting data, as it usually takes at least an hour, to do so.

6 Tips for Better Pictures with Your Smartphone

Feb 16, 2017

The best photographs have nothing to do with the filter that you choose. They start with a great original picture file. So how can you elevate your Instagram game? Try these smartphone camera tips:

  • Turn on Grid Lines. How? On an iPhone, go to general settings, then select “Photo & Camera” then switch the “grid” option on. On an Android, you’ll want to go to the camera app, and select settings in there to scroll down and find the “grid lines” options to turn it on. Camera grid lines are usually built on the law of thirds, with two lines horizontal and two vertical across the screen. It will divide any image you take into nine parts. The idea here is that if you can center points of interest in the intersecting points, or along the lines, then you can create a picture with immediately more visual appeal.

  • Use Better Lighting. Lighting is always an essential component of a good shot, but that’s especially true with your smartphone camera, which doesn’t have the ability to filter bright light or balance the levels. You may not even be able to focus on the part of the image that you want to capture if your lighting is off. Avoid having the biggest light source directly behind who or what you’re photographing, and if people are standing in front of a window, consider closing the curtains or blinds. The best lighting will come from the side, or be evenly filtered from different angles.

  • Tap to Focus. Every smartphone camera allows you to define your focal point by tapping it on your screen. If you’ve ever taken a picture in an area with a huge contrast in illumination, you’ve probably discovered this for yourself. Tap in the dark area, and the image will alter to view things in that dark area, even though the bright parts of the image will be over-exposed. Tap on the bright part, and the shadows will be too dark to even see.

  • Avoid the Digital Zoom. Your tiny smartphone camera lens doesn’t actually zoom. In order to create the “zoom” effect, your camera app simply magnifies the area that you want to zoom in on as much as possible. This lowers the quality of your image greatly. Instead of using the zoom function, get closer whenever possible.

  • Get a Smartphone Lens Attachment. Bypass the limitations of your smartphone’s camera with an attachment. These attach magnetically and can be easily switched out or removed. However, they can also make a big difference in what you’re able to do on your phone with pictures. Wide angle lenses can help you make the most of a beautiful panorama, or you can get effective micro shots and zoom in better with an ultra-magnifying lens.

  • Download another Camera App. That’s right, you don’t have to be limited to the app that comes standard with your phone. There are other options out there, which may provide better filtering and focusing options. Think about trying ProShot or VCSO Camera.

5 Tips to Protect Your Android Screen

Oct 15, 2017

Even if we don’t want to admit it, many of us rely on our smartphones for our everyday life. It’s how we stay connected and often how we get our work done. Instant access to emails and your workspace from your phone make your smartphone a detrimental device to carry around everyday. Smartphones are amazing tools that enable us to boost productivity and connect with the people we love. Sometimes, though, we begin to take this convenience for granted and get careless with our smartphones. It can seem devastating when harm befalls our smartphones.

Here are a few tips to protect the screen on your Android smartphone.

Don’t use anything not meant for an Android screen Many android phones come with a stylus. It’s important that you never use anything other than your fingers and provided styluses on the surface of your screen. Even if your phone responds to another material or device, do not use it! It can damage the screen and make it lose it’s sensitivity.

Don’t leave it in the sun Just like direct sunlight for extended periods of time is bad for your skin, it’s also bad for your Android phone. The extended sunlight will damage the sensitivity of the screen. If left in the heat for too long, your phone has the possibility of overheating, being unusable until it is given the chance to cool down to a regular temperature.

Screen protectors and phone cases It’s important to start protecting your phone before it breaks or cracks. It’s significantly less money to replace a phone case or screen protector than having to replace the screen or the entire phone. Invest the money up front to protect your phone to save you a lot more money farther down the road.

Leaving the screen on for extended periods of time If you’re not actively using your phone, don’t leave the screen on. This will drain your battery, and it can also cause internal burn-in to your device. The best practice is to set up a lock-screen timeout on your Android device, so your phone screen will turn off when you’re not actively using it.

Don’t tap your phone to get it working again For some reason, when our devices aren’t working, we’re tempted to tap or hit the device to try to “bring it back to life”. This doesn’t work on modern devices, and you run the risk of inflicting additional damage to your Android device when you do this. Instead of getting frustrated, set your phone down and walk away for a few minutes and come back. Sometimes, it just needs to be idle and the problem is fixed. Another way to fix these problems is to force restart your device.

5 Tips for Extending the Life of Your Smartphone

Mar 8, 2019

Extending the life of your smartphone as much as possible simply makes good sense.

You’ve invested substantially in your device – potentially more than $1,000 for some iPhone models – and extending its life provides a higher return on investment. From a practical perspective, you use your smartphone for everything from an alarm clock to a source of information and entertainment. If you do business from your device, it’s even more important to keep your phone reliable and going strong for as long as possible.

Fortunately, you can extend the life of your smartphone easily and affordably with these simple tips.

How to extend the life of your smartphone

No. 1: Keep Your Device & Apps Updated

Keeping your smartphone’s operating system and apps up-to-date ensures that everything runs smoothly. Get rid of apps you don’t use, keep your phone backed up regularly and ensure you don’t push your limits on capacity. You’d be surprised how much storage old text and SMS conversations take up.

Keeping your device and apps updated also helps protect you from viruses and malware, which can potentially harm your device.

No. 2: Get a High-Quality Smartphone Case

A sturdy, high-quality case will protect your phone from all kinds of mishaps. In fact, you can even find cases that are waterproof or that will protect your device from a long drop. Some have extra protection for charging ports, camera lenses and headphone jacks. This can also help prevent unexpected repairs and failures that occur when dust and debris become lodged in these locations.

No. 3: Always Use Best Charging Practices

According to the experts at Battery University, putting your phone on the charger if it falls below 75 percent will significantly extend the life of your device’s battery.

The lower you let your battery drain, the harder it must work to recharge. If you do this regularly, the extra effort required to recharge quickly wears down and lowers the cycle count of the battery.

No. 4: Have Your Battery Replaced When Necessary

Just as letting your battery drain too low shortens its life, running your smartphone on a compromised battery can affect your device’s operation and potentially shorten its life.

Avoid any DIY work on your battery and, instead, trust a reputable smartphone repair expert who uses replacement batteries made or approved by the original equipment manufacturer.

No. 5: Seek Expert Smartphone Repair

Everywhere you turn these days, people claim to be qualified to repair iPhones, Android, Samsung, LG, HTC and other types of smartphones. Trusting your repairs to just anyone puts your phone at risk in a variety of ways and potentially shortens its lifespan. In Utah, FixIT Mobile | Bad Apple provides expert repairs for smartphones and tablets. Our exceptional customer service, quick turnaround and 90-day warranty are as impressive as our affordable and transparent pricing. Contact us today to schedule a repair and learn more about how to extend the life of your smartphone.

5 Phone Apps For Fall

Oct 3, 2019

Fall is here, and the cooler weather means it's time to put away your Summer clothes and pull out the sweaters and scarves. From checking out Fall leaves to pumpkin patches and corn mazes, there are lots of activities to do in the Fall. Of course, it is also the time to enjoy all your favorite pumpkin spice flavored drinks and food as well.

There are many apps you can download to help you get in the Fall spirit. Here’s a list of five free apps to get you ready for fall.

5 Phone Apps For Fall

1. Cooking/Recipes: Big Oven - https://www.bigoven.com/mobile/getbyos

From pumpkin pie to soups, mashed potatoes, and pumpkin spice everything, Fall is definitely the time to enjoy your favorite seasonal dishes. Discover new dishes and master your own recipes by using BigOven. This app will introduce you to thousands of recipes including many Fall favorites.

2. Weather: Weather Underground - https://www.wunderground.com/download

Fall weather can be very unpredictable, so it's important to stay up to date on the weather in case you need to pack a rain jacket before you head outside. With Weather Underground, you'll get weather forecasts and live radar maps, as well as notifications of upcoming bad weather. The app also includes crowd reporting, so users can report local weather for an accurate forecast.

3. Events Calendar: Eventbrite - https://www.eventbrite.com/eventbriteapp/

Whether you are looking for Fall festivals, want to turn over a new leaf by taking some classes, or just looking for any event nearby, Eventbrite has you covered. This app keeps you will keep you up to date on all local happenings and lets you buy tickets for events from the app.

4. Hiking: Alltrails - https://www.alltrails.com/mobile

Utah is famous for its outdoor activities, and now that the weather has cooled off it is the perfect time to explore some new hikes. With the Alltrails app, you can find hikes of any length and difficulty so you can plan for the perfect hike for you. They also have reviews on the hikes to give you more insight from users who have already done the trail.

5. School/Studying: Quizlet - https://quizlet.com/mobile

While it may not be much fun, it is important to stay on top of your studies throughout the Fall when school gets into full gear. Quizlet is the perfect study aid for students of any age. Study on the go with Quizlet study tools and games designed specifically for mobile to simplify the learning process.

Here at FixIT Mobile | Bad Apple, we love Fall and we know your smartphone is a big part of getting the most out of this fun season. Visit us today if you have any issues with your phone so it will be ready for all your fun Fall adventures!

4 Things You Can (and Should) Repair on Your Phone

Dec 20, 2019

When something goes wrong with a smartphone, many people instantly go into panic mode. You may even head straight to your local carrier store or retailer and immediately purchase a brand new phone—after all, who can afford to be without their phone for a long period of time? The problem with this reaction is that it could lead to spending several hundred (maybe even more than $1,000) on a new phone unnecessarily because whatever was wrong could have been fixed for a lot less. Here are four common problems smartphone users encounter that can be repaired.

Common issues with smartphones that you can repair instead of buying a new one.

1: Battery

There are few things in life these days more frustrating than a dead smartphone battery, and if your phone’s battery is draining more quickly than normal, or won’t seem to hold a charge for more than a couple of hours, you may be inclined to trade in that phone for a new phone. That could be a big mistake, since the cost to replace the battery in your device is probably only a fraction of the cost of a new device. Even for some of the latest iPhone or Android models, the cost of a new battery is usually less than $100.

2: Screens

So you dropped your phone, and even though it only fell a couple feet to the floor it hit at just the wrong angle and the screen shattered. Now you’re debating whether you can look through all those cracks and still use the phone, or you have the money for a new phone. But you actually have a third option, and that is to repair the screen. Places like Bad Apple can repair that cracked screen, so it’s just like new (or even better). It’s quick too, so you’ll have your phone back in no time and won’t have to spend hundreds.

3: Charging Port

If you can’t recharge your phone because the port is damaged, you’re dead in the water and you have to get a new phone, right? Wrong. A good repair shop can fix that charging port so it will charge just like when it first came out of the box.

4: Camera

The average person in the U.S. takes ____ photos with their smartphone every _____, so what do you do when the camera is broken? Whether it’s the front camera (for all your essential selfies) or the rear camera (for capturing your kids, friends, or fur babies), the camera is actually a pretty easy item to fix. It will cost a little more than some other smartphone repairs, but no matter what model you have, it will be less than a brand new one.

Not sure if you can repair whatever is wrong with your smartphone? Come to Bad Apple today and our skilled team members can let you know and give you an instant estimate.

3 Steps to Take Before You Trade in Your Old Smartphone

Mar 6, 2020

Smartphones have become an essential part of our lives, which means that they house everything from sensitive personal and health information to bank and financial records. If you have a smartphone right now and you are thinking about trading it in, here are some important things you should do before you go to the shop to trade it for cash or toward a new phone.

Trading in your smartphone is a smart way to get credit toward a new phone or cash.

1: Back it Up

The first step before you trade in a new phone is to back up all the items on there that you want to keep. That includes things like pictures, videos, important files, contacts, logins and passwords, and more. If you have an iPhone you can use the iCloud feature to backup your phone to the cloud, then easily download all that information to your new iPhone. With an Android phone you can back it up to your Google Drive. You can also use third-party backup services like Dropbox or Microsoft Office OneDrive. Do this before you get to the store to trade in your phone, since it can take a while to complete.

2: Wipe the Data

If you have a relatively new phone model, and it’s still in pretty good shape, there’s a good chance your phone will be refurbished and resold to another user in the near future. For that reason it’s critical that you erase all the sensitive information on your phone that, if it fell into the wrong hands, could hurt you. Most devices have a factory reset option, which deletes most everything that you have done on or to the phone, although it may not erase everything.

The challenge you may have is with an older model, or one that is broken and you cannot turn it on to get to the factory reset. In that case, take it to a place where they can help you remove all the data stored on the solid state drive (SSD) chip inside. That means you don’t want to just mail it off to some phone rebate place, or drop it in a container at a big-box store, since you have no idea what will happen after that. Take it to a place like FixITMobile | Bad Apple, where our helpful staff can clear the information so you know you are secure.

3: Find the Best Place for Trade-Ins

It might seem like all phone trade-ins are the same, but they definitely are not. If you are looking for a new phone, look for a place that offers a credit toward your new device for current phones that are in good condition. If you just want cash, compare all the available options before you go to make sure you’re getting the maximum value from your phone.